[erlang-patches] What's the whitespace policy for patches?

Matthias Lang matthias@REDACTED
Thu Nov 20 22:29:34 CET 2014


Sorry to bother you with a trivial problem.

What's the policy for whitespace changes in patches? Is it:

    1. Don't introduce new bogus whitespace (e.g. trailing spaces),
       but don't fix existing bogus whitespace. We don't want
       unrelated changes in commits, even if it's just whitespace.

or  2. Fixing bogus whitespace is fine, we all use 'git diff -w'.
       Eventually we'll be rid of it all.

The 'Submitting Patches' wiki answers a related but different question:

  | Check for unnecessary whitespace before committing with git diff --check.

I suspect it should actually say

  | Check for unnecessary whitespace _changes_ before...

otherwise 'git diff --check' wouldn't make sense.


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