What's cooking in erlang/otp (2010-05-15)

Björn Gustavsson bgustavsson@REDACTED
Sat May 15 11:02:30 CEST 2010

R14A is planned to be released on June 16. We haven't decided on
an exact deadline for submissions yet, but the sooner you'll
send in your submissions, the better chance it has to be
considered for inclusion in the release.

We will try to review most of the current branches in the 'pu'
branch before the release.


* bg/beam_lib (stdlib) (2010-05-06) 2 commits
 + Remove redundant includes (a31b2b2)
 + Make beam_lib:cmp/2 stricter (3f8f87e)

* bg/compiler-attributes (compiler) (2010-05-05) 1 commit
 + Remove opaque declarations from the attributes (36ad068)

* bg/opt-receive (compiler, erts, hipe, kernel, otp, stdlib, test_server) (2010-04-23) 11 commits
 + Test that gen_server:call/2,3 are fast even with a huge message queue (84f6523)
 + erts: Add tests for the receive optimization (c8c736e)
 + Update primary bootstrap (cdd4f99)
 + erts: Implement recv_mark/1 and recv_set/1 for real (9c91901)
 + compiler tests: Cover the error handling code in beam_receive (f7829c9)
 + compiler test: Test optimization of receive statements (f39e0b6)
 + Optimize selective receives in the presence of a large message queue (1d3148a)
 + Introduce the new recv_mark/1 and recv_mark/1 instructions (d60f055)
 + Compile tests that communicate with R12 nodes with the r12 option (ea0f50d)
 + Move p_run/2 to test_lib (f0d8728)
 + gen: Inline wait_resp_mon/2 to help the compiler optimize (23362ae)

* dgud/emacs-21-fix (tools) (2010-05-03) 1 commit
 + Remove usage of 'font-lock-preprocessor-face' if not available (5373c9c)

* pl/fix-shared-lib-install (asn1, megaco, wx) (2010-04-15) 1 commit
 + Fix shared libraries installation (7809f92)

[New topics]

* bg/wx_objects (wx) (2010-05-10) 1 commit
 - wx_objects: Fix calls to unexported gen_server:print_event/3 (6bffafe)

* mp/fix-erts_poll_info_kp-livelock (erts) (2010-05-12) 1 commit
 - fix livelock in erts_poll_info_kp() (3e64542)

* sv/socket-error-portability (erts) (2010-05-12) 1 commit
 - use macro to portably test for socket system call errors (83aa099)


* bg/safer-local_to_univ (erts) (2010-02-11) 1 commit
 - erl_time_sup.c: test for error return from mktime() (0f62f0b)

We will not include this branch in R13B04 for two reasons:

  o We are not 100% sure that this change is harmless on all
    platforms in all timezones.
  o We have an idea how the underlying problem can be fixed in
    the calendar module (only) and I plan to try it out after the
    release. We will keep this branch in pu as a reminder.

Action expected from: Björn Gustavsson

* db/tv_nthtail_fix (tv) (2009-12-01) 1 commit
 - Fix for tv which restarts while trying to open a table (abe0759)

Since our long-term goal is to migrate from gs towards wx,
maintaining the old gs applications has a low priority for
the Erlang/OTP team. Therefore, we will accept patches that
seem sound, but we are unlikely to spend much of our own time
fixing bugs.

The author of this topic branch has found the real reason for
the problem, but uncovered additional issues.

Action expected from: The topic author - to decide whether to
include the topic branch (which is a workaround, but does eliminate
the crash) or to wait for a better fix from himself or someone else
with an interest to advance the topic.

* er/ei-decode_msg (erl_interface) (2010-03-11) 1 commit
 - Add function to decode distribution header (864091a)

Needs documentation and test cases.

Action expected from: Topic author

* jp/dependencies_makefile (compiler, erts) (2010-02-14) 3 commits
 - squash! eliminate dialyzer warning (434e2ca)
 - squash! fix snprintf for Windows (bf2708d)
 - Add dependencies Makefile generation to erlc(1) and compile(3) (7cbc437)

Approved in principle by the OTP Technical Board; now awaits a closer
review of the implementation.

Action expected from: Björn Gustavsson (the reviewer)

* kr/gs-browser (gs) (2010-02-10) 1 commit
 - Change lib/gs/src/tool_utils.erl to select multiple browsers other than Netscape (802d159)

This topic branch introduces a new call to the deprecated regexp module.

Action expected from: Topic author or anyone else with an interest to
advance the topic


* am/kernel-stops (kernel) (2010-02-21) 1 commit
 - Change restart behavior of network apps from permanent to transient (397343b)

* am/net_kernel_catchall (kernel) (2010-02-20) 1 commit
 - Add catch all handle_call to net_kernel (77ee109)

* bg/compiler (compiler, stdlib) (2010-03-12) 5 commits
 - beam_peep: Remove optimization already done by beam_dead (e9ee2f8)
 - beam_dead: Combine is_eq_exact instructions into select_val instructions (3b530e8)
 - Evaluate is_record/3 at compile-time using type information (d5685e3)
 - Evaluate element/2 at compile-time using type information (f27015c)
 - erl_expand_records: Replace is_record() with matching (7a463b6)

* bg/compiler-cover-and-clean (compiler, erts, hipe) (2010-05-09) 19 commits
 - v3_life: Remove clause that cannot match in match_fail/3 (8e0a5fa)
 - v3_life tests: Cover exception handling code in v3_life:function/1 (69beb78)
 - beam_type: Remove redundant clause (03aa2ea)
 - v3_core tests: Cover make_bool_switch_guard/5 (5f6c7f8)
 - v3_core tests: Cover handling of pattern aliases (a5fcd89)
 - v3_core: Remove a clause in is_simple/1 that cannot match (3114064)
 - v3_core: Remove unused support for generating compilation errors (ed1f37d)
 - Remove stray support for the put_literal/2 instruction (5c3cf60)
 - Remove stray support for the bs_bits_to_bytes2/2 instruction (a4efc76)
 - Remove the bs_bits_to_bytes/3 instruction (f22f339)
 - Cover handling of 'math' BIFs (e890deb)
 - beam_bool: Remove a clause in live_regs/1 that cannot match (1fe4296)

* bg/temp-hipe-fixes (compiler, hipe, kernel) (2010-03-15) 6 commits
 - Avoid crash by skipping compilation_SUITE:on_load/1 (234e13e)
 - Inline less aggressively for native-code compilation (9fcb48b)
 - Crudely fix return type for the lists:key{search,find,member}/3 (ef71597)
 - seq_trace_SUITE: Don't native-compile (2a81b1a)
 - Disable native code if on_load is used (3befa76)
 - andor_SUITE: Don't native-compile (97aa2da)

This branch contains temporary workarounds to avoid failing test
cases and is never intended to graduate.

* cf/timer_tc (stdlib) (2010-04-06) 1 commit
 - Add timer:tc/2 to measure the elapsed time of anonymous functions (2cca650)

* dp/shell-line-editing (kernel, stdlib) (2010-03-05) 1 commit
 - Readline-style line edit history (91e912b)

* fm/file-operations (erts, kernel) (2010-04-26) 3 commits
 - Update preloaded modules (c2dbc5e)
 - Add file:advise/4 - a wrapper to the POSIX syscall posix_fadvise (6fd827d)
 - Add file:datasync/1 for syncing file contents only (d96666a)

* gl/jinterface-pom (jinterface, otp) (2010-02-15) 2 commits
 - Exclude jinterface build artifact from git (5acf5fa)
 - Add pom.xml for jinterface build (aa68190)

* hb/edoc (edoc) (2010-04-01) 1 commit
 - EDoc and Dialyzer specs and types (516e16c)

* jf/run_erl-disable-flow-control (erts) (2010-03-05) 1 commit
 - Teach run_erl RUN_ERL_DISABLE_FLOWCNTRL for disabling flow control (d0775cd)

* jl/windows-file-share-delete (erts) (2010-02-22) 1 commit
 - Windows: Open files with FILE_SHARE_DELETE to get closer to UNIX semantics (0544a2c)

* jn/ic-docs-without-java (ic) (2010-03-07) 1 commit
 - Permit building and installing documentation without Java (2016a08)

* jr/cover-src-path (tools) (2010-04-23) 1 commit
 - Fix searching for source files in analyse_to_file/* (b9d5068)

* ks/cleanups (compiler, debugger, docbuilder, gs, stdlib) (2010-04-10) 5 commits
 - compiler: Fix incorrect types and specs (9021667)
 - escript: Add more types to records (edfbc4b)
 - debugger: Clean up as suggested by tidier (42c0c33)
 - docbuilder: Clean up as suggested by tidier (c22830a)
 - gs: Clean up as suggested by tidier (eda4f7a)

Was formerly called ks/cleanups-after-r13b04.

* ks/export_type (compiler, dialyzer, hipe, kernel, stdlib, syntax_tools) (2010-05-10) 13 commits
 - erl_lint: Issue warnings for undefined exported types (8c22ad6)
 - Minor fix in a print message (3ae85e9)
 - Add handling of unknown types (0f9e42e)
 - Add declaration for exported types (e71d8f6)
 - Add types and specs; performed some cleanups also (b88e659)
 - erl_scan: Add declarations for exported types (750f316)
 - stdlib: Add declarations for exported types (7dcabb9)
 - hipe: Add declarations for exported types (6a2cce2)
 - compiler: Add declarations for exported types (a53c99e)
 - syntax_tools: Add declarations for exported types (839cc84)
 - kernel: Add declaration for exported types (5fdf89f)
 - Support -export_type() in dialyzer and erl_types (ce76175)

* mh/ssh_channel-init-no-catch (ssh) (2010-01-25) 1 commit
 - Remove pointless catch from ssh_channel:init/1. (bb7eaa5)

* ms/file-exclusive-mode (erts, kernel) (2010-04-30) 1 commit
 - Support opening files in exclusive mode (5d1253d)

* ra/include-public_key-in-ssh (ssh) (2010-01-20) 1 commit
 - Added public_key among ssh applications. (3a0c2c5)

* se/spawn_drv_win_deadlock (erts) (2010-04-28) 1 commit
 - Fix deadlock in spawn driver on windows (4fe6e7e)

* sv/format_status-name-handling (stdlib, wx) (2010-05-09) 1 commit
 - handle {global, term()} names in format_status/2 (8ca0aee)

* sv/format_status_error_info (stdlib) (2010-02-28) 2 commits
 - Add support for the format_status callback to gen_event (6281020)
 - Extend format_status for gen_server/gen_fsm termination error logging (5ec0ade)

* ta/asn1-reporting (asn1) (2010-04-23) 1 commit
 - asn1ct: Make formatting of errors and warnings consistent (93face2)

* ta/extend-nif-api (erts) (2010-05-07) 3 commits
 - erl_nif: add make_atom_len, make_existing_atom_len and make_string_len (7ba3d59)
 - erl_nif: add enif_get_atom_length and enif_get_list_length (855acf4)
 - erl_nif: add enif_is_list and enif_is_tuple (8905503)

* uw/epmd-fullnames (kernel) (2010-05-07) 1 commit
 - Allow the erlang nodename host part to differ from the hostname (e0774be)

* uw/mnesia-overload (mnesia) (2010-05-09) 1 commit
 - Enable continuous monitoring of mnesia overload status (82c0904)

* uw/mnesia-schema-merge (mnesia) (2010-05-09) 1 commit
 - Allow a user_defined function to wrap mnesia_schema:merge_schema() (3f70f3d)

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