erlang.el patch for try/after

Steve Vinoski vinoski@REDACTED
Mon Oct 12 00:46:27 CEST 2009

I've found that erlang.el doesn't properly indent try/after without an
intervening catch -- the after keyword ends up being indented to the same
level as the code within the try clause rather than being indented to the
same level as the try keyword. Also, the second and subsequent lines within
the after clause are indented only half the correct distance.
Another issue is that a lot of the regular expressions used within erlang.el
try to match word boundaries using [^_a-zA-Z0-9] rather than just using the
\b word boundary backslash construct.

The patch below is for erlang.el from Erlang/OTP version R13B02-1 and it
fixes these issues. The same patch also works for versions at least as far
back as R12B-5, but with different line offsets.


--- erlang.el.orig 2009-10-11 17:31:48.000000000 -0400
+++ erlang.el 2009-10-11 18:18:18.000000000 -0400
@@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@

      ;; Word constituent: check and handle keywords.
      ((= cs ?w)
-      (cond ((looking-at "\\(end\\|after\\)[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
+      (cond ((looking-at "\\b\\(end\\|after\\)\\b")
      ;; Must pop top icr layer, `after' will push a new
      ;; layer next.
@@ -3361,7 +3361,7 @@
  (erlang-pop stack))
        (if (and stack (memq (car (car stack)) '(icr begin)))
    (erlang-pop stack))))
-    ((looking-at "catch[^,\n\\of]*\n")
+    ((looking-at "\\bcatch[^,\n\\of]*\n")
      ;; Must pop top icr layer, `catch' in try/catch
      ;;will push a new layer next.
@@ -3378,10 +3378,10 @@
     ;;     (if (and stack (memq (car (car stack)) '(icr begin)))
     ;;   (erlang-pop stack))))
-      (cond ((looking-at "\\(if\\|case\\|receive\\|try\\)[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
+      (cond ((looking-at "\\b\\(if\\|case\\|receive\\|try\\)\\b")
      ;; Must push a new icr (if/case/receive) layer.
      (erlang-push (list 'icr token (current-column)) stack))
-    ((looking-at "\\(fun\\)[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
+    ((looking-at "\\b\\(fun\\)\\b")
      ;; Push a new icr layer if we are defining a `fun'
      ;; expression, not when we are refering an existing
      ;; function.
@@ -3390,7 +3390,7 @@
    (erlang-skip-blank to)
    (eq (following-char) ?\())
  (erlang-push (list 'icr token (current-column)) stack)))
-    ((looking-at "\\(begin\\|query\\)[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
+    ((looking-at "\\b\\(begin\\|query\\)\\b")
      (erlang-push (list 'begin token (current-column)) stack))
     ;; In test suites you may want to do something like
     ;; ?match(Mem when integer(Mem), mnesia:table_info(Tab,
@@ -3399,22 +3399,22 @@
     ;; erlang mode to think the 'when' in the argument is a
     ;; "real" when. The following three clauses will avoid
     ;; this problem.
-    ((looking-at "when[^->\.]*if[^->\.]*->"))
-    ((looking-at "when[^->\.]*case[^->\.]*->"))
-    ((looking-at "when[^->\.]*receive[^->\.]*->"))
+    ((looking-at "\\bwhen[^->\.]*if[^->\.]*->"))
+    ((looking-at "\\bwhen[^->\.]*case[^->\.]*->"))
+    ((looking-at "\\bwhen[^->\.]*receive[^->\.]*->"))
     ;; Normal when case
-    ((looking-at "when [^->\.]*->")
+    ((looking-at "\\bwhen [^->\.]*->")
      (erlang-push (list 'when token (current-column)) stack))
-    ((looking-at "after[.]+->")
+    ((looking-at "\\bafter[.]+->")
      (erlang-push (list 'icr token (current-column)) stack))
-    ((looking-at "after[^_a-zA-Z0-9->]")
-     ;; Probably in try-statment, fake "->" to get right
+    ((looking-at "\\bafter\\b")
+     ;; Probably in try-statement, fake "->" to get right
      ;; indentation in erlang-calculate-stack-indent. If it
      ;; was an ordinary catch without try, these entries will
      ;; be popped of the stack at a later ocaccion.
      (erlang-push (list 'icr token (current-column)) stack)
      (erlang-push (list '-> token (current-column)) stack))
-    ((looking-at "catch[^,\n\\of]*\n")
+    ((looking-at "\\bcatch[^,\n\\of]*\n")
      (erlang-push (list 'icr token (current-column)) stack)
      (erlang-push (list '-> token (current-column)) stack))
     ;;((looking-at "^of$")
@@ -3469,7 +3469,7 @@
        ((looking-at "->\\|:-")
-  (cond ((looking-at "after[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
+  (cond ((looking-at "\\bafter\\b")
  (erlang-pop stack))))
  (if (and stack (eq (car (car stack)) 'when))
     (erlang-pop stack))
@@ -3580,7 +3580,7 @@
    ;; Return nil or t.
    (eq (nth 3 state) 'comment))
   ((null stack)
-   (if (looking-at "when[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
+   (if (looking-at "\\bwhen\\b")
   ((eq (car stack-top) '\()
@@ -3608,28 +3608,34 @@
    ;; `after' should be indented to the save level as the
    ;; corresponding receive.
-   (if (looking-at "after[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
-       (nth 2 stack-top)
-     (save-excursion
-       (goto-char (nth 1 stack-top))
-       (if (looking-at "case[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
-   (+ (nth 2 stack-top) erlang-indent-level)
- (skip-chars-forward "a-z")
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (if (memq (following-char) '(?% ?\n))
-     (+ (nth 2 stack-top) erlang-indent-level)
-   (current-column)))))
-   (if (looking-at "catch[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
-       (nth 2 stack-top)
-     (save-excursion
-       (goto-char (nth 1 stack-top))
-       (if (looking-at "case[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")
-   (+ (nth 2 stack-top) erlang-indent-level)
- (skip-chars-forward "a-z")
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (if (memq (following-char) '(?% ?\n))
-     (+ (nth 2 stack-top) erlang-indent-level)
-   (current-column)))))
+           (let ((top-word (save-excursion
+                             (goto-char (nth 1 stack-top))
+                             (looking-at "\\b\\(\\w+\\)\\b")
+                             (match-string 0))))
+             (if (and (looking-at "\\bafter\\b")
+                      (not (string= top-word "try")))
+                 (if (string= top-word "case")
+                     (+ (nth 2 stack-top) erlang-indent-level)
+                   (save-excursion
+                     (goto-char (nth 1 stack-top))
+                     (skip-chars-forward "a-z")
+                     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+                     (if (memq (following-char) '(?% ?\n))
+                         (+ (nth 2 stack-top) erlang-indent-level)
+                       (current-column)))))
+             (if (or (looking-at "\\bcatch\\b")
+                     (and (looking-at "\\bafter\\b")
+                          (string= top-word "try")))
+                 (nth 2 stack-top)
+               (if (string= top-word "case")
+                   (+ (nth 2 stack-top) erlang-indent-level)
+                 (save-excursion
+                   (goto-char (nth 1 stack-top))
+                   (skip-chars-forward "a-z")
+                   (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+                   (if (memq (following-char) '(?% ?\n))
+                       (+ (nth 2 stack-top) erlang-indent-level)
+                     (current-column))))))
   ;; Real indentation, where operators create extra indentation etc.
   ((memq (car stack-top) '(-> || begin))
@@ -3638,7 +3644,8 @@
    ;; same line. If so use this indentation as base, else
    ;; use parent indentation + 2 * level as base.
    (let ((off erlang-indent-level)
- (skip 2))
+ (skip 2)
+                 (is-after (looking-at "\\bafter\\b")))
      (cond ((null (cdr stack))) ; Top level in function.
    ((eq (car stack-top) 'begin)
     (setq skip 5))
@@ -3648,7 +3655,9 @@
        ;; Look at last thing to see how we are to move relative
        ;; to the base.
        (goto-char token)
-       (cond ((looking-at "||\\|,\\|->\\|:-")
+               (cond ((and is-after (looking-at ","))
+                      off)
+                     ((looking-at "||\\|,\\|->\\|:-")
       (+ (current-column) erlang-indent-level))
@@ -3665,7 +3674,7 @@
     ;; the block.  (Here we have a choice: should
     ;; the user be forced to reindent continued
     ;; lines, or should the "end" be reindented?)
-    ((looking-at "\\(end\\|after\\|catch\\)[^_a-zA-Z0-9]\\|$")
+    ((looking-at "\\b\\(end\\|after\\|catch\\)\\b\\|$")
      (if (eq (car (car stack)) '->)
  (erlang-pop stack))
      (if stack
@@ -3680,7 +3689,7 @@
   ((eq (car stack-top) 'when)
    (goto-char (nth 1 stack-top))
-   (if (looking-at "when\\s *\\($\\|%\\)")
+   (if (looking-at "\\bwhen\\s *\\($\\|%\\)")
  (erlang-pop stack)
  (if (and stack (eq (nth 0 (car stack)) 'icr))
@@ -3757,13 +3766,13 @@

 (defun erlang-at-keyword ()
   "Are we looking at an Erlang keyword which will increase indentation?"
-  (looking-at (concat "\\(when\\|if\\|fun\\|case\\|begin\\|query\\|"
-      "of\\|receive\\|after\\|catch\\)[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")))
+  (looking-at (concat "\\b\\(when\\|if\\|fun\\|case\\|begin\\|query\\|"
+      "of\\|receive\\|after\\|catch\\)\\b")))

 (defun erlang-at-operator ()
   "Are we looking at an Erlang operator?"
-   "\\(bnot\\|div\\|mod\\|band\\|bor\\|bxor\\|bsl\\|bsr\\)[^_a-zA-Z0-9]"))
+   "\\b\\(bnot\\|div\\|mod\\|band\\|bor\\|bxor\\|bsl\\|bsr\\)\\b"))

 (defun erlang-comment-indent ()
   "Compute Erlang comment indentation.
@@ -4813,7 +4822,7 @@
 This function is designed to be a member of a criteria list."
-    (looking-at "end[^_a-zA-Z0-9]")))
+    (looking-at "\\bend\\b")))


 ;; Erlang tags support which is aware of erlang modules.

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