[eeps] New - EEP 44: Additional preprocessor directives
Richard A. O'Keefe
Tue Oct 20 05:43:16 CEST 2015
(1) One parenthesis: "(".
Two parentheses: "()".
(Just like crisis/crises, thesis/theses, basis/bases, arsis/arses.)
(2) I am forcibly struck by how much we are influenced by
other programming languages, in this case C. For example,
Unisys PLUS has conditional compilation, but it uses
(3) A central weirdness in the preprocessor remains.
It is sort of coupled to Erlang syntax, but in a bad (limiting) way.
This proposal does nothing to address the limitation that you
cannot conditionally accept *some* of the clauses of a function,
only the whole thing; nor can you conditionally accept *some* of
the alternatives of a type, only the whole type.
This is precisely one of the things the preprocessor gets used for
in Haskell. For example, one change coming up is
class Applicative m => Module m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) :: ma -> m b -> m b
p >> q = p >>= \_ -> q
fail :: String -> m a
fail s = error s
return :: a -> m a
return = pure {- it's a default -}
# else
return = pure {- you can't override it -}
# endif
where the point is that 'return' used to be a part of Monad
that you would define, but then Monad was made a subclass of
Applicative, so return = pure (lifting a value of type a to
a value of type m a) was made a default, but you could still
override it, but that means that pure and return could be
redefined to be *different*, which is a bad idea, so they'll
be moving 'return' out. Nobody would want to make two copies
of the whole thing just because one *part* is changing.
(4) I'm still very concerned about the *context* in which the
argument of -if is evaluated. The Java modules proposal is
putting a lot of effort into trying to make sure that
compile time decisions based on the visibility of modules
either remain valid at load time or produce error messages.
This suggests that -if and its relatives should leave some
sort of trace in the .beam file about what properties of the
compile-time context they depended on. (Anyone remember
"dependency-directed backtracking"? AMORD?)
I have used a system where the compile time and load time
environments could disagree *without notice* and never want
to have that experience again.
Of course this is not an issue for the C preprocessor,
amongst other reasons because the C preprocessor is very
explicitly independent of the run time environment, to the
point of not necessarily using the same arithmetic.
Again I find myself wondering whether imitating the
*syntax* of CPP if we don't copy the *semantics* is a good idea.
(5) Existing homebrew pretty-printers/formatters for Erlang are
likely to cope with -if(...) as just another attribute,
which of course it isn't. Allowing -if ... will force some
changes. (Hint: I have an Erlang reformatter that will
probably need patching. I'm not sharing the code because it
is not *worth* sharing, but I get some use out of it.)
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