[eeps] [erlang-patches] EEP37: Funs with names

Anthony Ramine n.oxyde@REDACTED
Sun Oct 27 21:29:12 CET 2013

I’ve added tests for named funs in every place you asked for except syntax_tools.

The Dialyzer test doesn’t pass and I haven’t found a fix for it yet, Cc’ing Kostis.

If I give "fact() -> fun Fact(N) when N > 0 -> N * Fact(N - 1); Fact(0) -> 1 end" to typer, the following spec is computed:

-spec fact() -> fun((0) -> none()).

Please refetch.

Anthony Ramine

Le 23 oct. 2013 à 15:04, Björn Gustavsson <bgustavsson@REDACTED> a écrit :

> The new test cases are insufficient for an extension of the language. Each
> application that have updates should have test cases to ensure that new or
> updated code is covered. The following applications should have test cases
> for named funs: compiler, tools (xref and cover), stdlib (qlc, erl_eval, ms_transform),
> dialyzer, debugger, and syntax_tools.

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