[eeps] Proposal for /\ and \/ operators

Zoltan Peter Toth zoltan.peter.toth@REDACTED
Thu Feb 26 11:20:54 CET 2009

Only 2 operands are in the scope ? >>:)

Marc Worrell wrote:
> +1 for min/max
> When I saw the subject line I was assuming that the operators were AND 
> and OR.
> To my surprise they were proposals for min and max.
> - Marc
> On 26 feb 2009, at 09:51, Sargun Dhillon wrote:
>> Yeah, I agree, let's use min, and max. The /\ and \/ characters are
>> just difficult, and non-intuitive.
>> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Bob Ippolito <bob@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 12:25 AM, Joe Armstrong <joearms@REDACTED> 
>>> wrote:
>>>>  > I'm sick of writing my own max and min functions.
>>>>> Aren't you?
>>>> Not really - If I didn't know Erlang or If I didn't know all the
>>>> language I's assume
>>>> that /\ meant AND and \/ meant OR. This would confuse lots of people.
>>>> Could we use man and min instead of symbols?
>>>> Otherwise this seems ok
>>> I have the same feedback. I like the functionality, but /\ and \/ are
>>> kinda ugly and very unintuitive.
>>> -bob
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