[eeps] comments on eep8
Joe Armstrong
Wed Jan 9 14:44:55 CET 2008
I'm not sure where to discuss eeps - so I've posted to the eeps
mailing list :-).
For some reason, I seem to have missed eeps, so I missed the original posting on
1) Do I understand rightly that atoms have to be quoted in type declarations?
2) The eep would benefit from a large number of examples of types in the
concrete syntax.
3) The declarations are rather verbose
why -spec(id/1 :: (X) -> X).
why not
-spec id(X) -> X.
4) I don't like the leading "-" character
I'd like
@spec id(X) -> X.
"-" is reserved for annotations and I think types are so important
they deserve
their own special syntax
(I use the above notation my book, so I'm biased)
5) Why -type(orddict(Key, Val) :: [{Key,Val}]).
This is again too verbose
how about
@type orddict(Key, Val) = [{Key,Val}]
6) Exception types are missing
@type foo(X, Y) -> Z raises exit(Type)
In the case where the explicitly terminates with a exit, throw or error I'd
like to *explicitly* document this
7) I don't like the word "contract" - in some papers I've used the
word contract for
describing protocols.
What's wrong with spec (specification) or "type signature"
8) Unclear what the concrete syntax is - I assume the syntax
"[" Type "]" means list(Type) - but it does not say.
9) I'd like to see a proposal for both the concrete AND the abstract
(parsed) syntax for types - AND for some information about where they
are stored.
In an earlier mail
I proposed something like this:
The type declaration
@spec fac(Int) -> Int
In the module M
would generate the following pseudo function, to be compiled
into the module
type_spec(fac, 1) ->
{[int], int, nil}.
and type_specs() -> [...{fac,1},...]
(Rather like module_info which is automatically generated)
10) In the spirit of 9) I'd like to have user defined type checking
@spec xxx(foo:bar) -> baz:oop
This means that the arg 1 of xxx is of type X if foo:bar(X)
evaluates to true.
The point of this is to move towards describing the properties of a system
which can only be checked at run-time and not compile time.
Then we could have types like fileMustExist() meaning the file
must exist at run
Today a file is just a string (type wise) but we might like to document
the fact that this string represents a file that *must* exist.
11) I don't like all these :: things - Often I'd like to group types and use
uppercase letters for types
foo(File) -> [File];
bar(File, Opt) -> Mod where File = string(), Opt = Bool
13) I'd like to *standardise* the internal forms of types - I sent out
a mail with a proposal for this earlier.
This mail and the followup threads have the proposal in more detail -
you might like to re-read them.
14) I'd like to get away from the type() syntax and used variable instead.
Example - many function manipulate files, I'd like to say
@spec open(File) -> ...
@spec ls(Dir) -> [File]
@type Dir = File = string()
Any variable not defined X, Y ... ect. is a type variable
-spec(open/1 :: file() -> ...).
... and so on ...
15) I'd like range types Min..Max
16) Limitations of recursive types
Why not use a 'where' statement
@spec a(X) -> Y; b(P,Q) -> R
X = A,
B = P
... like letrec
I have appended the module I wrote for type checking since it has
examples of everything I have been talking about.
%% dynamic type checker
%% To make a type checker you need a callback module that
%% exports the function type(Name)
%% To test a type do the following
%% lib_type_check:type_check(Type, Val).
%% exports
%% type_check(AbsType, Value)
%% Abs type is a parse tree represeting a type
%% Type = int | bin | str | bool | float | iolist | pid | ref
%% | list | tuple | any | {range, Min, Max} | {constant, C} |
%% | {list, Type} | {tuple, [Type]} | {record, Name} |
%% | afun | {type, Mod, Name}
%% Most of these types are self-evident. The interesting type
%% is {type, Mod, Name}
%% This means that Mod *must* export a function
%% module_type(Name::atom) -> Type
%% type_check(Type, Val) -> Bool
%% these are for testing
-export([test/0, module_type/1]).
test() ->
true = tc(int, 1234),
false = tc(int, abcd),
true = tc({constant, 1234}, 1234),
false = tc({constant, 1234}, 12343),
true = tc({constant, true}, true),
true = tc(bin, <<"123">>),
true = tc({list, int}, [1,2,3,4]),
false = tc({list, int}, [1,2,abc,4]),
true = tc({tuple, [int,{constant,123},{constant,abc}]},
true = tc({type, ?MODULE, b}, <<"123">>),
false = tc({type, ?MODULE, b}, 123),
{'EXIT', _} = (catch tc({type, ?MODULE, undef}, 123)),
true = tc(bool, true),
true = tc(bool, false),
false = tc(bool, fals1e),
true = tc({type, ?MODULE, mixed}, [12,abc,3,f,45]),
false = tc({type, ?MODULE, mixed}, [12,abc,3.14159,f,45]),
true = tc({type, ?MODULE, myiolist}, [<<"1bc">>,34,[<<12>>,34,56]]),
true = tc(iolist, [<<"1bc">>,34,[<<12>>,34,56]]),
false = tc({type, ?MODULE, myiolist}, [<<"1bc">>,34,[<<12>>,abc,34,56]]),
false = tc(iolist, [<<"1bc">>,34,[<<12>>,abc,34,56]]),
true = tc(str, "1263163"),
false = tc(str, [1,2,3,4,abc]),
true = tc(afun, fun(X) -> 1 + X end),
true = tc({record,test_record},#test_record{}),
true = tc(pid, spawn(fun() -> hello end)),
true = tc(ref, make_ref()),
true = tc(float, 3.141259),
true = tc(any, glurk),
tc(Type, Val) ->
io:format("Checking ~p ~p~n",[Type, Val]),
type_check(Type, Val).
module_type(b) ->
module_type(mixed) ->
{list, {type, ?MODULE, aori}};
module_type(aori) ->
{alt, int,atom};
module_type(myiolist) ->
{list, {type, ?MODULE, myiolist}}}};
module_type(byte) ->
{range, 0, 255}.
type_check(Type, Val) ->
%% io:format("tc check ~p isa ~p~n",[Val, Type]),
tc(Type, Val, 0).
tc(_, _, N) when N > 1000 ->
%% note we only increment N when we enter a "deep" type
%% we don't increment the level as we traverse a list
%% so I've set a fairly low limit here
%% io:format("** type test of ~p undecided",[Type]),
tc(atom, X, _) when is_atom(X) -> true;
tc(int, X, _) when is_integer(X) -> true;
tc(float, X, _) when is_float(X) -> true;
tc(bin, X, _) when is_binary(X) -> true;
tc(list, X, _) when is_list(X) -> true;
tc(pid, X, _) when is_pid(X) -> true;
tc(ref, X, _) when is_reference(X) -> true;
tc(afun, X, _) when is_function(X) -> true;
tc({record,Name}, X, _) when element(1, X) =:= Name -> true;
tc(tuple, X, _) when is_tuple(X) -> true;
tc(byte, X, _) when is_integer(X), 0 =< X, X =< 255 -> true;
tc({range,A,B}, X, _) when A =< X, X =< B -> true;
tc(str, X, _) -> tc_str(X);
tc(bool, true, _) -> true;
tc(bool, false, _) -> true;
tc(any, _, _) -> true;
tc({constant, A}, A, _) -> true;
tc({type, Mod, Name}, X, N) ->
tc(Mod:module_type(Name), X, N+1);
tc({typeConstrain, Mod, Name}, X, N) ->
Mod:module_type(Name, X);
tc({alt, A, B}, X, N) ->
tc(A, X, N+1) orelse tc(B, X, N+1);
tc({list, Type}, L, N) when is_list(L) ->
tc_list(L, Type, N+1);
tc({tuple, Ts}, Tup, N) when is_tuple(Tup), size(Tup) == length(Ts) ->
tc_tuple(Ts, Tup, 1, N+1);
tc(iolist, X, N) ->
tc_io_list(X, N+1);
tc(_X, _Y, _) ->
%% io:format("is ~p a ~p~n",[_X,_Y]),
tc_io_list(X, N) ->
tc(byte, X, N) orelse tc(bin, X, N) orelse tc({list,iolist}, X, N+1).
tc_list([H|T], Type, N) ->
case tc(Type, H, N) of
true -> tc_list(T, Type, N);
false -> false
tc_list([], _, _) ->
tc_str([H|T]) when 0 =< H, H =< 255 -> tc_str(T);
tc_str([]) -> true;
tc_str(_) -> false.
tc_tuple([H|T], Tuple, Index, N) ->
tc(H, element(Index, Tuple), N)
andalso tc_tuple(T, Tuple, Index+1, N);
tc_tuple([], _, _, _) ->
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