Patch Package: OTP 23.3.3 Git Tag: OTP-23.3.3 Date: 2021-05-06 Trouble Report Id: OTP-16607, OTP-16930, OTP-17347, OTP-17357, OTP-17358, OTP-17361 Seq num: ERL-1371, ERL-1439, ERL-ERL-610, GH-3480, GH-4396, GH-4774 System: OTP Release: 23 Application: common_test-1.20.2, compiler-7.6.8, erl_interface-4.0.3, kernel-7.3.1, runtime_tools-1.16.1 Predecessor: OTP 23.3.2 Check out the git tag OTP-23.3.3, and build a full OTP system including documentation. Apply one or more applications from this build as patches to your installation using the 'otp_patch_apply' tool. For information on install requirements, see descriptions for each application version below. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- common_test-1.20.2 ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- The common_test-1.20.2 application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 23 installation. --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions --- OTP-17347 Application(s): common_test Related Id(s): ERL-1439, GH-3480 Before this change Config leaked between test groups in case of a subgroup was skipped (GH-3480). Full runtime dependencies of common_test-1.20.2: compiler-6.0, crypto-3.6, debugger-4.1, erts-7.0, ftp-1.0.0, inets-6.0, kernel-4.0, observer-2.1, runtime_tools-1.8.16, sasl-2.4.2, snmp-5.1.2, ssh-4.0, stdlib-3.5, syntax_tools-1.7, tools-2.8, xmerl-1.3.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- compiler-7.6.8 -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- The compiler-7.6.8 application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 23 installation. --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions --- OTP-17357 Application(s): compiler Related Id(s): GH-4774 Fixed a bug in the validator that could cause it to reject valid code. Full runtime dependencies of compiler-7.6.8: crypto-3.6, erts-11.0, hipe-3.12, kernel-7.0, stdlib-3.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- erl_interface-4.0.3 --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- The erl_interface-4.0.3 application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 23 installation. --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions --- OTP-17358 Application(s): erl_interface Related Id(s): ERL-ERL-610 Fix bug where sending of large data with ei_send_*/ei_rpc with infinite timeout could fail when the tcp buffer becomes full. Fault has existed since OTP-21. --- Known Bugs and Problems --- OTP-16607 Application(s): erl_interface Related Id(s): OTP-16608 The ei API for decoding/encoding terms is not fully 64-bit compatible since terms that have a representation on the external term format larger than 2 GB cannot be handled. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- kernel-7.3.1 ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- The kernel-7.3.1 application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 23 installation. --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions --- OTP-17361 Application(s): kernel A bug in the Erlang DNS resolver has been fixed, where it could be made to bring down the kernel supervisor and thereby the whole node, when getting an incorrect (IN A reply to an IN CNAME query) reply from the DNS server and used the reply record's value without verifying its type. Full runtime dependencies of kernel-7.3.1: erts-11.0, sasl-3.0, stdlib-3.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --- runtime_tools-1.16.1 -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- The runtime_tools-1.16.1 application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 23 installation. --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions --- OTP-16930 Application(s): runtime_tools Related Id(s): ERL-1371, GH-4396 The function dbg:n/1 used a local fun to set up a tracer on a remote node. This works fine as long as the remote node is running exactly the same version of Erlang/OTP but does not work at all otherwise. This is fixed by exporting the relevant function and by calling this function on the remote node to set up remote tracing. Full runtime dependencies of runtime_tools-1.16.1: erts-11.0, kernel-7.0, mnesia-4.12, stdlib-3.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------