[Ericsson AB]

5 cosFileTransfer Examples

5.1 A tutorial on how to create a simple service

5.1.1 Initiate the application

To use the complete cosFileTransfer application cosProperty must be installed.

5.1.2 How to run everything

Below is a short transcript on how to run cosFileTransfer.

%% Start Mnesia and Orber
%% The File Transfer Service depends on the cosProperty
%% application. Hence, we must install cosProperty first.
%% It's NOT necessary to invoke cosProperty:install_db().

%% Install File Transfer Service in the IFR.

%% Now start the application and necessary services.

%% Create two Virtual File Systems respectively representing an FTP-
%% and the local NFS file system.
VFSFTP = cosFileTransferApp:create_VFS('FTP', [], FTPHost, 21),
VFSNATIVE = cosFileTransferApp:
            create_VFS({'NATIVE', 'cosFileTransferNATIVE_file'}, 
                       [], MyLocalHost, 0),

%% Login to each system.
{FSFTP, DirFTP} = 'CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem':
                  login(VFSFTP, "myId", "myPwd", "myAccount"),
{FSNATIVE, DirNATIVE} = 'CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem':
                        login(VFSNATIVE, "myId", "myPwd", "myAccount"),

%% If we want to copy a file from the NFS to the FTP we must first
%% create a File object which contains its attributes.
Target = 'CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession':create_file(FSFTP, 
                          ["/", "ftp", "incoming", "targetFile"])),

 #'CosFileTransfer_FileWrapper'{the_file = Dir} = 
%% Lookup the file we want to copy.
FileWrapper = 'CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession':get_file(FSNATIVE, 
                          ["/", "home", "myId", "sourceFile"]),
Source = FileWrapper#'CosFileTransfer_FileWrapper'.the_file,

%% Now we are ready to transfer the file. Please note that we most
%% call the source Session object.
'CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession':transfer(FSNATIVE, Source, Target),


cosFileTransfer 1.1.3
Copyright © 1991-2007 Ericsson AB