[Ericsson AB]

8 Performace comparison

8.1 Comparison of encoder/decoders

The Megaco/H.248 standard defines both a plain text encoding and a binary encoding (ASN.1 BER) and we have implemented encoders and decoders for both. We do supply a bunch of different encoding/decoding modules and the user may in fact implement their own (like our erl_dist module). Using a non-standard encoding format has its obvious drawbacks, but may be useful in some configurations.

We have made four different measurements of our Erlang/OTP implementation of the Megaco/H.248 protocol stack, in order to compare our different encoders/decoders. The result of each one is summarized in a line chart:

8.1.1 Encoded message size in bytes

Encoded message size in bytes

8.1.2 Encode time in micro seconds

Encode time in micro seconds

8.1.3 Decode time in micro seconds

Decode time in micro seconds

8.1.4 Sum of encode and decode time in micro seconds

Sum of encode and decode time in micro seconds

8.2 Description of encoders/decoders

In Appendix A of the Megaco/H.248 specification (RFC 3525), there are about 30 messages that shows a representative call flow. We have also added a few extra version 1, version2 and version3 messages. We have used these messages as basis for our measurements. The numbers within parentheses are the plain average values. Our figures have not been weighted in regard to how frequent the different kinds of messages that are sent between the media gateway and its controller.

The test compares the following encoder/decoders:

The actual encoded messages have been collected in one directory per encoding type, containing one file per encoded message.

Here follows an example of a text message to give a feeling of the difference between the pretty and compact versions of text messages. First the pretty printed, well indented version with long keywords:

MEGACO/1 [] 
  Transaction = 9998 { 
    Context = - { 
      ServiceChange = ROOT { 
        Services { 
          Method = Restart, 
          ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, 
          Profile = ResGW/1, 
          Reason = "901 MG Cold Boot"

Then the compact text version without indentation and with short keywords:

!/1 [] T=9998{
  C=-{SC=ROOT{SV{MT=RS,AD=55555,PF=ResGW/1,RE="901 MG Cold Boot"}}}}

8.3 Setup

The measurements has been performed on a HP workstation xw6000 with an Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1 GB memory running Fedora Core 4 (FC4), kernel 2.6.14. Software versions was the open source OTP R10B-10 updated with megaco-3.4.

8.4 Complete measurement result

This chapter details the effects of the possible encoding configurations for every codec. The result above are the fastest of these configurations for each codec. The figures presented are the average of all used messages.

Codec performance
Codec and config Size Encode Decode Total
pretty 355 47 197 244
pretty [flex] 355 47 101 148
compact 192 42 163 205
compact [flex] 192 42 95 137
per bin 96 146 151 297
per bin [driver] 96 91 143 233
per bin [native] 96 110 116 226
per bin [driver,native] 96 55 108 163
ber bin 174 85 121 206
ber bin [driver] 174 85 78 163
ber bin [native] 174 49 87 136
ber bin [driver,native] 174 49 44 93
erl_dist 919 11 14 24
erl_dist [megaco_compressed] 364 13 12 26
erl_dist [compressed] 357 193 46 238
erl_dist [megaco_compressed,compressed] 194 162 29 191

8.5 Summary

In our measurements we have seen that there are no significant differences in message sizes between ASN.1 BER and the compact text format. Some care should be taken when using the pretty text style (which is used in all the examples included in the protocol specification and preferred during debugging sessions) since the messages can then be quite large. If the message size really is a serious issue, our per encoder should be used, as the ASN.1 PER format is much more compact than all the other alternatives. Its major drawback is that it is has not been approved as a valid Megaco/H.248 message encoding.

When it comes to pure encode/decode performance, it turns out that our fastest text encoder (compact) is about 14% faster than our fastest binary encoder (ber). For decode the fastest binary decoder (ber) is 52% better then our fastest text (compact). Please, observe that these performance figures are related to our implementation in Erlang/OTP. Measurements of other implementations using other tools and techniques may of course result in other figures. If the pure encode/decode performance really is a serious issue, our erl_dist encoder should be used, as the encoding/decoding of the erlang distribution format is much faster than all the other alternatives. Its major drawback is that it is has not been approved as a valid Megaco/H.248 message encoding.

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