[Erlang Systems]

6 Finite State Machines

This section describes the general principles of the Finite State Machine (FSM) behaviour and shows how to make FSM based applications. Refer to the Reference Manual stdlib, the module gen_fsm for additional information about this behaviour.

Many applications can be modeled as FSMs and be programmed using the gen_fsm behaviour. Protocol stacks are such an example.

A FSM can be described as a set of relations of the form:

State(S) x Event(E) -> Actions (A), State(S')

These relations are interpreted as meaning:

If we are in state S and the event E occurs, we should perform the actions A and make a transition to the state S'.

If you program an FSM using the gen_fsm behaviour, then the state transition rules should be written as a number of Erlang functions which conform to the following convention:

StateName(Event, StateData) ->
    .. code for actions here ...
    {next_state, StateName', StateData'}

The figure below is a simple FSM describing "Plain Ordinary Telephony Service" (POTS).

FSM Example

The POTS FSM can be described by the following gen_fsm behaviour:

init(A) ->
    {ok, idle, A}.

idle({off_hook, A}, A) ->
    {next_state, getting_number, {A,[]}};
idle({seize, A}, B) when A /= B ->
    {next_state, ringing_b_side, {B, A});
idle(_, A) ->
    {next_state, idle, A}.

getting_number({digit, D}, {A, Seq}) ->
    case ... of
        ... ->
                {next_state, ringing_a_side, {A, B}};
        ... ->
                {next_state, getting_number, {A, Seq1}};
        ... ->
                {next_state, wait_on_hook, A}
getting_number({on_hook, A}, {A,_}) ->
    {next_state, idle, A}.

ringing_a_side({on_hook, A}, {A, B}) ->
    {next_state, idle, A};
ringing_a_side({answered, B}, {A, B}) ->
    {next_state, speech, {A,B}}.

ringing_b_side({on_hook, A}, {B, A}) ->
    {next_state, idle, B};
ringing_b_side({off_hook, B}, {B, A}) ->
    {next_state, speech, {B, A}}.

speech({on_hook, A}, {A, B}) ->
    {next_state, idle, A};
speech({on_hook, B}, {A, B}) ->
    {next_state, wait_on_hook, A}.

wait_on_hook({on_hook, A}, A) ->
    {next_state, idle, A}.

The code shown above only describes the state transitions. To add the actions, we might add the following code:

getting_number({digit, D}, {A, Seq}) ->
    Seq1 = Seq ++ [D],
    case number_analyser:analyse(Seq1) of
        {user, B} ->
            hw:seize(B, A),
            {next_state, ringing_a_side, {A, B}};
        get_more_digits ->
            {next_state, getting_number, {A, Seq1}};
        invalid_number ->
            hw:send_nasty_tone(A, bad_number_tone),
            {next_state, wait_on_hook, A}
getting_number({on_hook, A}, {A,_}) ->
    {next_state, idle, A}.

To complete this example, we have to package the FSM and the event generation routines in a behaviour module, as shown in the following example, and then add the code for the FSM.


start() -> gen_fsm:start(...)

stop() -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(...)

on_hook(A) -> gen_fsm:send_event(..., {off_hook, A}).

6.1 An FSM Example

The simple POTS example shown above does not include all required details. The following example is complete and hopefully also self explanatory.


%% interface routines

%% start us up
start() -> gen_fsm:start({local, hello}, test1_fsm, [], []).

%% send a hello -- this will end up in the FSM routines
hello() -> gen_fsm:send_event(hello, {hello, self()}).

%% send a stop this will end up in "handle_event"
stop()  -> gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(hello, stopit).

%% -- interface end

%% This initialisation routine gets called
init(_) ->
    {ok, idle, []}.

%% The state machine
idle({hello, A}, []) ->
    {next_state, one, A}.

one({hello, B}, A) ->
    A ! {hello, B},
    B ! {hello, A},
    {next_state, idle, []}.

%% this handles events in *any* state
handle_event(stopit, AnyState, TheStateData) ->
    {stop, i_shall_stop, []}.   %% tell it to stop

%% This is the finalisation routine - it gets called
%% When we have to stop
terminate(i_shall_stop, TheStateIwasIn, TheStateData) ->

6.2 Other Ways of Programming FSMs

This section has focused on the gen_fsm behaviour. A very large FSM, or an FSM which has a very regular structure, can be built another way. It is possible to automatically generate the code which describes the machine from the FSM specification.

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