View Source Socket Usage


The socket interface (module) is basically a "thin" layer on top of the OS socket interface. It is assumed that, unless you have special needs, gen_[tcp|udp|sctp] should be sufficient (when they become available).

Note that just because we have a documented and described option, it does not mean that the OS supports it. So its recommended that the user reads the platform specific documentation for the option used.

Asynchronous calls

Some functions allow for an asynchronous call (accept/2, connect/3, recv/3,4, recvfrom/3,4, recvmsg/2,3,5, send/3,4, sendmsg/3,4 and sendto/4,5). This is achieved by setting the Timeout argument to nowait. For instance, if calling the recv/3 function with Timeout set to nowait (i.e. recv(Sock, 0, nowait)) when there is actually nothing to read, it will return with:

When data eventually arrives a 'select' or 'completion' message will be sent to the caller:

  • On Unix - {'$socket', socket(), select, SelectHandle}

    The caller can then make another call to the recv function and now expect data.

    Note that all other users are locked out until the 'current user' has called the function (recv in this case). So either immediately call the function or cancel.

  • On Windows - {'$socket', socket(), completion, {CompletionHandle, CompletionStatus}}

    The CompletionStatus contains the result of the operation (read).

The user must also be prepared to receive an abort message:

  • ____ - {'$socket', socket(), abort, Info}

If the operation is aborted for whatever reason (e.g. if the socket is closed "by someone else"). The Info part contains the abort reason (in this case that the socket has been closed Info = {SelectHandle, closed}).

The general form of the 'socket' message is:

  • ____ - {'$socket', Sock :: socket(), Tag :: atom(), Info :: term()}

Where the format of Info is a function of Tag:

TagInfo value type
completion{completion_handle(), CompletionStatus}
abort{select_handle(), Reason :: term()}

Table: socket message info value type

The select_handle() is the same as was returned in the SelectInfo.

The completion_handle() is the same as was returned in the CompletionInfo.

Socket Registry

The socket registry is how we keep track of sockets. There are two functions that can be used for interaction: socket:number_of/0 and socket:which_sockets/1.

In systems which create and delete many sockets dynamically, it (the socket registry) could become a bottleneck. For such systems, there are a couple of ways to control the use of the socket registry.

Firstly, its possible to effect the global default value when building OTP from source with the two configure options:

--enable-esock-socket-registry (default) | --disable-esock-socket-registry

Second, its possible to effect the global default value by setting the environment variable ESOCK_USE_SOCKET_REGISTRY (boolean) before starting the erlang.

Third, its possible to alter the global default value in runtime by calling the function use_registry/1.

And finally, its possible to override the global default when creating a socket (with open/2 and open/4) by providing the attribute use_registry (boolean) in the their Opts argument (which effects that specific socket).

Socket Options

Options for level otp:

Option NameValue TypeSetGetOther Requirements and comments
assoc_idinteger()noyestype = seqpacket, protocol = sctp, is an association
rcvbufdefault | pos_integer() | {pos_integer(), pos_ineteger()}yesyesThe tuple format is not allowed on Windows. 'default' only valid for set. The tuple form is only valid for type 'stream' and protocol 'tcp'.
rcvctrlbufdefault | pos_integer()yesyesdefault only valid for set
sndctrlbufdefault | pos_integer()yesyesdefault only valid for set
use_registryboolean()noyesthe value is set when the socket is created, by a call to open/2 or open/4.

Table: option levels

Options for level socket:

Option NameValue TypeSetGetOther Requirements and comments
bindtodevicestring()yesyesBefore Linux 3.8, this socket option could be set, but not get. Only works for some socket types (e.g. inet). If empty value is set, the binding is removed.
broadcastboolean()yesyestype = dgram
bsp_statemap()noyesWindows only
debuginteger()yesyesmay require admin capability
domaindomain()noyesNot on FreeBSD (for instance)
exclusiveaddruseboolean()yesyesWindows only
lingerabort | linger()yesyesnone
maxdginteger()noyesWindows only
max_msg_sizeinteger()noyesWindows only
peek_offinteger()yesyesdomain = local (unix). Currently disabled due to a possible infinite loop when calling recv([peek]) the second time.
protocolprotocol()noyesNot on (some) Darwin (for instance)
rcvtimeotimeval()yesyesThis option is not normally supported (see why below). OTP has to be explicitly built with the --enable-esock-rcvsndtime configure option for this to be available. Since our implementation is nonblocking, its unknown if and how this option works, or even if it may cause malfunctions. Therefore, we do not recommend setting this option. Instead, use the Timeout argument to, for instance, the recv/3 function.
reuseportboolean()yesyesdomain = inet | inet6
sndlowatnon_neg_integer()yesyesnot changeable on Linux
sndtimeotimeval()yesyesThis option is not normally supported (see why below). OTP has to be explicitly built with the --enable-esock-rcvsndtime configure option for this to be available. Since our implementation is nonblocking, its unknown if and how this option works, or even if it may cause malfunctions. Therefore, we do not recommend setting this option. Instead, use the Timeout argument to, for instance, the send/3 function.

Table: socket options

Options for level ip:

Option NameValue TypeSetGetOther Requirements and comments
hdrinclboolean()yesyestype = raw
minttlinteger()yesyestype = raw
msfilternull | ip_msfilter()yesnonone
mtuinteger()noyestype = raw
multicast_ifany | ip4_address()yesyesnone
nodefragboolean()yesyestype = raw
pktinfoboolean()yesyestype = dgram
recvdstaddrboolean()yesyestype = dgram
recvifboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw
recvoptsboolean()yesyestype =/= stream
recvttlboolean()yesyestype =/= stream
retoptsboolean()yesyestype =/= stream
router_alertinteger()yesyestype = raw
tosip_tos()yesyessome high-priority levels may require superuser capability
transparentboolean()yesyesrequires admin capability

Table: ip options

Options for level ipv6:

Option NameValue TypeSetGetOther Requirements and comments
addrforminetyesnoallowed only for IPv6 sockets that are connected and bound to a v4-mapped-on-v6 address
authhdrboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw, obsolete?
dstoptsboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw, requires superuser privileges to update
flowinfoboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw, requires superuser privileges to update
hoplimitboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw. On some platforms (e.g. FreeBSD) is used to set in order to get hoplimit as a control message heeader. On others (e.g. Linux), recvhoplimit is set in order to get hoplimit.
hopoptsboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw, requires superuser privileges to update
mtuboolean()yesyesGet: Only after the socket has been connected
multicast_hopsdefault | uint8()yesyesnone
multicast_ifinteger()yesyestype = dgram | raw
recvhoplimitboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw. On some platforms (e.g. Linux), recvhoplimit is set in order to get hoplimit
recvpktinfo | pktinfoboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw. On some platforms (e.g. FreeBSD) is used to set in order to get hoplimit as a control message heeader. On others (e.g. Linux), recvhoplimit is set in order to get hoplimit.
recvtclassboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw. On some platforms is used to set (=true) in order to get the tclass control message heeader. On others, tclass is set in order to get tclass control message heeader.
router_alertinteger()yesyestype = raw
rthdrboolean()yesyestype = dgram | raw, requires superuser privileges to update
tclassinteger()yesyesSet the traffic class associated with outgoing packets. RFC3542.
unicast_hopsdefault | uint8()yesyesnone

Table: ipv6 options

Options for level tcp:

Option NameValue TypeSetGetOther Requirements and comments
corkboolean()yesyes'nopush' one some platforms (FreeBSD)
keepcntinteger()yesyesOn Windows (at least), it is illegal to set to a value greater than 255.
maxseginteger()yesyesSet not allowed on all platforms.
nopushboolean()yesyes'cork' on some platforms (Linux). On Darwin this has a different meaning than on, for instance, FreeBSD.

Table: tcp options

Options for level udp:

Option NameValue TypeSetGetOther Requirements and comments

Table: udp options

Options for level sctp:

Option NameValue TypeSetGetOther Requirements and comments

Table: sctp options