View Source Scheduled for Removal


This document list all functionality in Erlang/OTP that currently are scheduled for removal. For more information regarding the strategy regarding removal of functionality see the documentation of Support, Compatibility, Deprecations, and Removal.

OTP 29

Functions Scheduled for Removal in OTP 29

  • ct_slave:_/_ (use ?CT_PEER(), or the 'peer' module instead)
  • slave:_/_ (use the 'peer' module instead)

OTP 28

Functions Scheduled for Removal in OTP 28

  • disk_log:inc_wrap_file/1 (use disk_log:next_file/1 instead)
  • mnesia_registry:create_table/_ (use mnesia:create_table/2 instead)

OTP 27

Functions Scheduled for Removal in OTP 27

  • dbg:stop_clear/0 (use dbg:stop/0 instead)