View Source shell_docs (stdlib v6.0)
Functions used to render EEP-48 style documentation for a shell.
This module can be used to render function and type documentation to be printed
in a shell. This is the module that is used to render the docs accessed through
the shell through c:h/1,2,3
). Example:
1> h(maps,new,0).
-spec new() -> Map when Map :: #{}.
OTP 17.0
Returns a new empty map.
> maps:new().
This module formats and renders EEP-48 documentation of the format
. For more information about this format see
Documentation Storage in EDoc's User's
Guide. It can also render any other format of "text" type, although those will
be rendered as is.
The HTML tags allowed in application/erlang+html
The configuration of how the documentation should be rendered.
The record holding EEP-48 documentation for a module. You can use
to fetch this information from a module.
This function can be used to do whitespace normalization of
Equivalent to render/5
Render the documentation for a module or function.
Equivalent to render_callback/5
Equivalent to render_callback/5
Equivalent to render_callback/5
Render the documentation of a callback in a module.
Equivalent to render_type/5
Equivalent to render_type/5
Equivalent to render_type/5
Render the documentation of a type in a module.
This function can be used to find out which tags are supported by
This function can be used to do a basic validation of the doc content of
-type chunk_element() :: {chunk_element_type(), chunk_element_attrs(), chunk_elements()} | binary().
-type chunk_element_attr() :: {atom(), unicode:chardata()}.
-type chunk_element_attrs() :: [chunk_element_attr()].
-type chunk_element_block_type() ::
p | 'div' | br | pre | ul | ol | li | dl | dt | dd | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6.
-type chunk_element_inline_type() :: a | code | em | strong | i | b.
-type chunk_element_type() :: chunk_element_inline_type() | chunk_element_block_type().
The HTML tags allowed in application/erlang+html
-type chunk_elements() :: [chunk_element()].
-type config() :: #{encoding => unicode | latin1, columns => pos_integer(), ansi => boolean()}.
The configuration of how the documentation should be rendered.
encoding - Configure the encoding that should be used by the renderer for graphical details such as bullet-points. By default
uses the value returned byio:getopts()
.ansi - Configure whether ansi escape codes should be used to render graphical details such as bold and underscore. By default
will try to determine if the receiving shell supports ansi escape codes. It is possible to override the automated check by setting the kernel configuration parametershell_docs_ansi
to aboolean/0
value.columns - Configure how wide the target documentation should be rendered. By default
used the value returned byio:columns()
-type docs_v1() :: #docs_v1{anno :: term(), beam_language :: term(), format :: term(), module_doc :: term(), metadata :: term(), docs :: term()}.
The record holding EEP-48 documentation for a module. You can use
to fetch this information from a module.
-spec normalize(Docs) -> NormalizedDocs when Docs :: chunk_elements(), NormalizedDocs :: chunk_elements().
This function can be used to do whitespace normalization of
-spec render(Module, Docs) -> unicode:chardata() when Module :: module(), Docs :: docs_v1().
Equivalent to render/5
-spec render(Module, Docs, Config) -> unicode:chardata() when Module :: module(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(); (Module, Function, Docs) -> Res when Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, function_missing}.
Equivalent to render/5
-spec render(Module, Function, Docs, Config) -> Res when Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, function_missing}; (Module, Function, Arity, Docs) -> Res when Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Arity :: arity(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, function_missing}.
Equivalent to render/5
render(Module, Function, Arity, Docs, Config)
View Source (since OTP 23.0,OTP 23.2)-spec render(Module, Function, Arity, Docs, Config) -> Res when Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Arity :: arity(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, function_missing}.
Render the documentation for a module or function.
-spec render_callback(Module, Docs) -> unicode:chardata() when Module :: module(), Docs :: docs_v1().
Equivalent to render_callback/5
-spec render_callback(Module, Docs, Config) -> unicode:chardata() when Module :: module(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(); (Module, Callback, Docs) -> Res when Module :: module(), Callback :: atom(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, callback_missing}.
Equivalent to render_callback/5
-spec render_callback(Module, Callback, Docs, Config) -> Res when Module :: module(), Callback :: atom(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, callback_missing}; (Module, Callback, Arity, Docs) -> Res when Module :: module(), Callback :: atom(), Arity :: arity(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, callback_missing}.
Equivalent to render_callback/5
render_callback(Module, Callback, Arity, Docs, Config)
View Source (since OTP 23.0,OTP 23.2)-spec render_callback(Module, Callback, Arity, Docs, Config) -> Res when Module :: module(), Callback :: atom(), Arity :: arity(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, callback_missing}.
Render the documentation of a callback in a module.
-spec render_type(Module, Docs) -> unicode:chardata() when Module :: module(), Docs :: docs_v1().
Equivalent to render_type/5
-spec render_type(Module, Docs, Config) -> unicode:chardata() when Module :: module(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(); (Module, Type, Docs) -> Res when Module :: module(), Type :: atom(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, type_missing}.
Equivalent to render_type/5
-spec render_type(Module, Type, Docs, Config) -> Res when Module :: module(), Type :: atom(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, type_missing}; (Module, Type, Arity, Docs) -> Res when Module :: module(), Type :: atom(), Arity :: arity(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, type_missing}.
Equivalent to render_type/5
render_type(Module, Type, Arity, Docs, Config)
View Source (since OTP 23.0,OTP 23.2)-spec render_type(Module, Type, Arity, Docs, Config) -> Res when Module :: module(), Type :: atom(), Arity :: arity(), Docs :: docs_v1(), Config :: config(), Res :: unicode:chardata() | {error, type_missing}.
Render the documentation of a type in a module.
-spec supported_tags() -> [chunk_element_type()].
This function can be used to find out which tags are supported by
This function can be used to do a basic validation of the doc content of