View Source gen_event behaviour (stdlib v6.0)
Generic event handling behavior.
This behavior module provides event handling functionality. It consists of a generic event manager process with any number of event handlers that are added and deleted dynamically.
An event manager implemented using this module has a standard set of interface functions and includes functionality for tracing and error reporting. It also fits into an OTP supervision tree. For more information, see OTP Design Principles.
Each event handler is implemented as a callback module exporting a predefined set of functions. The relationship between the behavior functions and the callback functions is as follows:
gen_event module Callback module
---------------- ---------------
gen_event:start_link -----> -
gen_event:add_sup_handler -----> Module:init/1
gen_event:sync_notify -----> Module:handle_event/2
gen_event:call -----> Module:handle_call/2
- -----> Module:handle_info/2
gen_event:delete_handler -----> Module:terminate/2
gen_event:swap_sup_handler -----> Module1:terminate/2
gen_event:which_handlers -----> -
gen_event:stop -----> Module:terminate/2
- -----> Module:code_change/3
As each event handler is one callback module, an event manager has many callback
modules that are added and deleted dynamically. gen_event
is therefore more
tolerant of callback module errors than the other behaviors. If a callback
function for an installed event handler fails with Reason
, or returns a bad
value Term
, the event manager does not fail. It deletes the event handler by
calling callback function Module:terminate/2
, giving as
argument {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}
or {error,Term}
, respectively. No other
event handler is affected.
A gen_event
process handles system messages as described in sys
. The sys
module can be used for debugging an event manager.
Notice that an event manager does trap exit signals automatically.
The gen_event
process can go into hibernation (see erlang:hibernate/3
) if a
callback function in a handler module specifies hibernate
in its return value.
This can be useful if the server is expected to be idle for a long time.
However, use this feature with care, as hibernation implies at least two garbage
collections (when hibernating and shortly after waking up) and is not something
you want to do between each event handled by a busy event manager.
Notice that when multiple event handlers are invoked, it is sufficient that one
single event handler returns a hibernate
request for the whole event manager
to go into hibernation.
Unless otherwise stated, all functions in this module fail if the specified event manager does not exist or if bad arguments are specified.
For some important information about distributed signals, see the Blocking Signaling Over Distribution section in the Processes chapter of the Erlang Reference Manual. Blocking signaling can, for example, cause call timeouts in
to be significantly delayed.
See Also
A map that describes the gen_event
process status. The keys are
An opaque request identifier. See send_request/3
for details.
An opaque collection of request identifiers (request_id/0
) where each
request identifier can be associated with a label chosen by the user. For more
information see reqids_new/0
Used to set a time limit on how long to wait for a response using either
, receive_response/3
, wait_response/2
, or
. The time unit used is millisecond
. Currently valid values
This callback is optional, so callback modules need not export it. If a release upgrade/downgrade with
specified in the.appup
file is made whencode_change/3
isn't implemented the event handler will crash with anundef
error reason.
This callback is optional, so event handler modules need not export it. If a handler does not export this function, the
module uses the handler state directly for the purposes described below.
This callback is deprecated, in new code use
. If aformat_status/1
callback exists, then this function will never be called.
Whenever an event manager receives a request sent using call/3,4
this function is called for the specified event handler to handle the request.
Whenever an event manager receives an event sent using notify/2
, this function is called for each installed event handler to
handle the event.
This callback is optional, so callback modules need not export it. The
module provides a default implementation of this function that logs about the unexpectedInfo
message, drops it and returns{ok, State}
Whenever a new event handler is added to an event manager, this function is called to initialize the event handler.
This callback is optional, so callback modules need not export it. The
module provides a default implementation without cleanup.
add_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
add_sup_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
Equivalent to call/4
call(EventMgrRef, Handler, Request, Timeout) -> Result
Check if Msg
is a response corresponding to the request identifier ReqId
The request must have been made by send_request/3
Check if Msg
is a response corresponding to a request identifier saved in
. All request identifiers of ReqIdCollection
must correspond
to requests that have been made using send_request/3
or send_request/5
, and
all requests must have been made by the process calling this function.
delete_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
Equivalent to sync_notify/2
Receive a response corresponding to the request identifier ReqId
- The request
must have been made by send_request/3
to the gen_statem
process. This
function must be called from the same process from which send_request/3
Receive a response corresponding to a request identifier saved in
. All request identifiers of ReqIdCollection
must correspond
to requests that have been made using send_request/3
or send_request/5
, and
all requests must have been made by the process calling this function.
Saves ReqId
and associates a Label
with the request identifier by adding
this information to ReqIdCollection
and returning the resulting request
identifier collection.
Returns a new empty request identifier collection. A request identifier collection can be utilized in order the handle multiple outstanding requests.
Returns the amount of request identifiers saved in ReqIdCollection
Returns a list of {ReqId, Label}
tuples which corresponds to all request
identifiers with their associated labels present in the ReqIdCollection
Sends an asynchronous call
request Request
to event handler Handler
installed in the event manager identified by EventMgrRef
and returns a request
identifier ReqId
. The return value ReqId
shall later be used with
, wait_response/2
, or check_response/2
to fetch the
actual result of the request. Besides passing the request identifier directly to
these functions, it can also be saved in a request identifier collection using
. Such a collection of request identifiers can later be used in
order to get one response corresponding to a request in the collection by
passing the collection as argument to receive_response/3
, wait_response/3
or check_response/3
. If you are about to save the request identifier in a
request identifier collection, you may want to consider using send_request/5
Sends an asynchronous call
request Request
to event handler Handler
installed in the event manager identified by EventMgrRef
. The Label
will be
associated with the request identifier of the operation and added to the
returned request identifier collection NewReqIdCollection
. The collection can
later be used in order to get one response corresponding to a request in the
collection by passing the collection as argument to receive_response/3
, or, check_response/3
start(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
Equivalent to start_link/2
Equivalent to start_link/2
start_link(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
Equivalent to start_monitor/2
Equivalent to start_monitor/2
start_monitor(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
stop(EventMgrRef, Reason, Timeout) -> ok
swap_handler(EventMgrRef, {Handler1,Args1}, {Handler2,Args2}) -> Result
swap_sup_handler(EventMgrRef, {Handler1,Args1}, {Handler2,Args2}) -> Result
sync_notify(EventMgrRef, Event) -> ok
Wait for a response corresponding to the request identifier ReqId
. The request
must have been made by send_request/3
to the gen_statem
process. This
function must be called from the same process from which send_request/3
Wait for a response corresponding to a request identifier saved in
. All request identifiers of ReqIdCollection
must correspond
to requests that have been made using send_request/3
or send_request/5
, and
all requests must have been made by the process calling this function.
which_handlers(EventMgrRef) -> [Handler]
-type debug_flag() :: trace | log | statistics | debug | {logfile, string()}.
-type format_status() :: #{state => term(), message => term(), reason => term(), log => [sys:system_event()]}.
A map that describes the gen_event
process status. The keys are:
- The internal state of the event handler.message
- The message that caused the event handler to terminate.reason
- The reason that caused the event handler to terminate.log
- The sys log of the server.
New associations may be added into the status map without prior notice.
-type handler_args() :: term().
-type option() :: {timeout, timeout()} | {debug, [debug_flag()]} | {spawn_opt, [proc_lib:start_spawn_option()]} | {hibernate_after, timeout()}.
-opaque request_id()
An opaque request identifier. See send_request/3
for details.
-opaque request_id_collection()
An opaque collection of request identifiers (request_id/0
) where each
request identifier can be associated with a label chosen by the user. For more
information see reqids_new/0
Used to set a time limit on how long to wait for a response using either
, receive_response/3
, wait_response/2
, or
. The time unit used is millisecond
. Currently valid values:
- Timeout relative to current time in milliseconds.infinity
- Infinite timeout. That is, the operation will never time out.{abs, Timeout}
- An absolute Erlang monotonic time timeout in milliseconds. That is, the operation will time out whenerlang:monotonic_time(millisecond)
returns a value larger than or equal toTimeout
is not allowed to identify a time further into the future than4294967295
milliseconds. Identifying the timeout using an absolute timeout value is especially handy when you have a deadline for responses corresponding to a complete collection of requests (request_id_collection/0
) , since you do not have to recalculate the relative time until the deadline over and over again.
-callback code_change(OldVsn :: term() | {down, term()}, State :: term(), Extra :: term()) -> {ok, NewState :: term()}.
This callback is optional, so callback modules need not export it. If a release upgrade/downgrade with
specified in the.appup
file is made whencode_change/3
isn't implemented the event handler will crash with anundef
error reason.
This function is called for an installed event handler that is to update its
internal state during a release upgrade/downgrade, that is, when the instruction
, where Change={advanced,Extra}
, is specified in
the .appup
file. For more information, see
OTP Design Principles.
For an upgrade, OldVsn
is Vsn
, and for a downgrade, OldVsn
. Vsn
is defined by the vsn
attribute(s) of the old version of
the callback module Module
. If no such attribute is defined, the version is
the checksum of the Beam file.
is the internal state of the event handler.
is passed "as is" from the {advanced,Extra}
part of the update
The function is to return the updated internal state.
-callback format_status(Status) -> NewStatus when Status :: format_status(), NewStatus :: format_status().
This callback is optional, so event handler modules need not export it. If a handler does not export this function, the
module uses the handler state directly for the purposes described below.If this callback is exported but fails, to hide possibly sensitive data, the default function will instead return the fact that
has crashed.
This function is called by a gen_event
process in the following situations:
- One of
is invoked to get thegen_event
status. - The event handler terminates abnormally and
logs an error.
This callback is used to limit the status of the event handler returned by
or sent to logger
The callback gets a map Status
describing the current status and shall return
a map NewStatus
with the same keys, but it may transform some values.
Two possible use cases for this callback is to remove sensitive information from the state to prevent it from being printed in log files, or to compact large irrelevant status items that would only clutter the logs.
format_status(Status) ->
fun(state,State) ->
maps:remove(private_key, State);
(message,{password, _Pass}) ->
{password, removed};
(_,Value) ->
end, Status).
-callback format_status(Opt, StatusData) -> Status when Opt :: normal | terminate, StatusData :: [PDict | State], PDict :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}], State :: term(), Status :: term().
This callback is deprecated, in new code use
. If aformat_status/1
callback exists, then this function will never be called.
This callback is optional, so event handler modules need not export it. If a handler does not export this function, the
module uses the handler state directly for the purposes described below.
This function is called by a gen_event
process in the following situations:
- One of
is invoked to get thegen_event
is set to the atomnormal
for this case. - The event handler terminates abnormally and
logs an error.Opt
is set to the atomterminate
for this case.
This function is useful for changing the form and appearance of the event
handler state for these cases. An event handler callback module wishing to
change the sys:get_status/1,2
return value as well as how its state appears in
termination error logs, exports an instance of
that returns a term describing the
current state of the event handler.
is the current value of the process dictionary of gen_event
is the internal state of the event handler.
The function is to return Status
, a term that change the details of the
current state of the event handler. Any term is allowed for Status
. The
module uses Status
as follows:
- When
is called,gen_event
ensures that its return value containsStatus
in place of the state term of the event handler. - When an event handler terminates abnormally,
in place of the state term of the event handler.
One use for this function is to return compact alternative state representations to avoid that large state terms are printed in log files.
-callback handle_call(Request :: term(), State :: term()) -> {ok, Reply :: term(), NewState :: term()} | {ok, Reply :: term(), NewState :: term(), hibernate} | {swap_handler, Reply :: term(), Args1 :: term(), NewState :: term(), Handler2 :: atom() | {atom(), Id :: term()}, Args2 :: term()} | {remove_handler, Reply :: term()}.
Whenever an event manager receives a request sent using call/3,4
this function is called for the specified event handler to handle the request.
is the Request
argument of call/3,4
is the internal state of the event handler.
The return values are the same as for
except that they also contain a
term Reply
, which is the reply to the client as the return value of
-callback handle_event(Event :: term(), State :: term()) -> {ok, NewState :: term()} | {ok, NewState :: term(), hibernate} | {swap_handler, Args1 :: term(), NewState :: term(), Handler2 :: atom() | {atom(), Id :: term()}, Args2 :: term()} | remove_handler.
Whenever an event manager receives an event sent using notify/2
, this function is called for each installed event handler to
handle the event.
is the Event
argument of
is the internal state of the event handler.
- If
is returned, the event handler remains in the event manager with the possible updated internal stateNewState
. - If
is returned, the event manager also goes into hibernation (by callingproc_lib:hibernate/3
), waiting for the next event to occur. It is sufficient that one of the event handlers return{ok,NewState,hibernate}
for the whole event manager process to hibernate. - If
is returned, the event handler is replaced byHandler2
by first callingModule:terminate(Args1,NewState)
and thenModule2:init({Args2,Term})
, whereTerm
is the return value ofModule:terminate/2
. For more information, seeswap_handler/3
. - If
is returned, the event handler is deleted by callingModule:terminate(remove_handler,State)
-callback handle_info(Info :: term(), State :: term()) -> {ok, NewState :: term()} | {ok, NewState :: term(), hibernate} | {swap_handler, Args1 :: term(), NewState :: term(), Handler2 :: atom() | {atom(), Id :: term()}, Args2 :: term()} | remove_handler.
This callback is optional, so callback modules need not export it. The
module provides a default implementation of this function that logs about the unexpectedInfo
message, drops it and returns{ok, State}
This function is called for each installed event handler when an event manager receives any other message than an event or a synchronous request (or a system message).
is the received message.
In particular, this callback will be made when a process terminated after
calling add_sup_handler/3
. Any event handler attached to an event manager
which in turn has a supervised handler should expect callbacks of the shape
Module:handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State)
For a description of State
and possible return values, see
-callback init(InitArgs :: term()) -> {ok, State :: term()} | {ok, State :: term(), hibernate} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
Whenever a new event handler is added to an event manager, this function is called to initialize the event handler.
If the event handler is added because of a call to add_handler/3
, InitArgs
is the Args
argument of these functions.
If the event handler replaces another event handler because of a call to
or swap_sup_handler/3
, or because of a swap
return tuple
from one of the other callback functions, InitArgs
is a tuple {Args,Term}
where Args
is the argument provided in the function call/return tuple and
is the result of terminating the old event handler, see swap_handler/3
If successful, the function returns {ok,State}
or {ok,State,hibernate}
where State
is the initial internal state of the event handler.
If {ok,State,hibernate}
is returned, the event manager goes into hibernation
(by calling proc_lib:hibernate/3
), waiting for the next event to occur.
-callback terminate(Args :: term() | {stop, Reason :: term()} | stop | remove_handler | {error, {'EXIT', Reason :: term()}} | {error, term()}, State :: term()) -> term().
This callback is optional, so callback modules need not export it. The
module provides a default implementation without cleanup.
Whenever an event handler is deleted from an event manager, this function is
called. It is to be the opposite of Module:init/1
and do any
necessary cleaning up.
If the event handler is deleted because of a call to delete_handler/3
, or swap_sup_handler/3
, Arg
is the Args
argument of this
function call.
if the event handler has a supervised connection to a
process that has terminated with reason Reason
if the event handler is deleted because the event manager is
The event manager terminates if it is part of a supervision tree and it is
ordered by its supervisor to terminate. Even if it is not part of a
supervision tree, it terminates if it receives an 'EXIT'
message from its
if the event handler is deleted because another callback
function has returned remove_handler
or {remove_handler,Reply}
if the event handler is deleted because a callback function
returned an unexpected value Term
, or Arg={error,{'EXIT',Reason}}
if a
callback function failed.
is the internal state of the event handler.
The function can return any term. If the event handler is deleted because of a
call to gen_event:delete_handler/3
, the return value of that function becomes
the return value of this function. If the event handler is to be replaced with
another event handler because of a swap, the return value is passed to the
function of the new event handler. Otherwise the return value is ignored.
add_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
Adds a new event handler to event manager EventMgrRef
. The event manager calls
to initiate the event handler and its internal
can be any of the following:
- The pid
, if the event manager is locally registered{Name,Node}
, if the event manager is locally registered at another node{global,GlobalName}
, if the event manager is globally registered{via,Module,ViaName}
, if the event manager is registered through an alternative process registry
is the name of the callback module Module
or a tuple {Module,Id}
where Id
is any term. The {Module,Id}
representation makes it possible to
identify a specific event handler when many event handlers use the same callback
is any term that is passed as the argument to
If Module:init/1
returns a correct value indicating successful
completion, the event manager adds the event handler and this function returns
. If Module:init/1
fails with Reason
or returns
, the event handler is ignored and this function returns
or {error,Reason}
, respectively.
add_sup_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
Adds a new event handler in the same way as add_handler/3
, but also supervises
the connection by linking the event handler and the calling process.
- If the calling process later terminates with
, the event manager deletes any supervised event handlers by callingModule:terminate/2
, then callsModule:handle_info/2
for each remaining handler. - If the event handler is deleted later, the event manager sends a message
to the calling process.Reason
is one of the following:normal
, if the event handler has been removed because of a call todelete_handler/3
, orremove_handler
has been returned by a callback function (see below).shutdown
, if the event handler has been removed because the event manager is terminating.{swapped,NewHandler,Pid}
, if the processPid
has replaced the event handler with another event handlerNewHandler
using a call toswap_handler/3
.- A term, if the event handler is removed because of an error. Which term depends on the error.
For a description of the arguments and return values, see add_handler/3
Equivalent to call/4
call(EventMgrRef, Handler, Request, Timeout) -> Result
Makes a synchronous call to event handler Handler
installed in event manager
by sending a request and waiting until a reply arrives or a
time-out occurs. The event manager calls
to handle the request.
For a description of EventMgrRef
and Handler
, see add_handler/3
is any term that is passed as one of the arguments to
is an integer greater than zero that specifies how many milliseconds
to wait for a reply, or the atom infinity
to wait indefinitely. Defaults
to 5000. If no reply is received within the specified time, the function call
The return value Reply
is defined in the return value of
. If the specified event handler is
not installed, the function returns {error,bad_module}
. If the callback
function fails with Reason
or returns an unexpected value Term
, this
function returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}
or {error,Term}
, respectively.
When this call fails it exits the calling process. The exit
term is on the form {Reason, Location}
Location = {gen_event,call,ArgList}
. See
that has a description of relevant
values for the Reason
in the exit term.
-spec check_response(Msg, ReqId) -> Result when Msg :: term(), ReqId :: request_id(), Response :: {reply, Reply :: term()} | {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}, Result :: Response | no_reply.
Check if Msg
is a response corresponding to the request identifier ReqId
The request must have been made by send_request/3
If Msg
is a response corresponding to ReqId
the response is returned;
otherwise, no_reply
is returned and no cleanup is done, and thus the function
must be invoked repeatedly until a response is returned.
If the specified event handler is not installed, the function returns
. If the callback function fails with Reason
or returns an
unexpected value Term
, this function returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}
, respectively. If the event manager dies before or during the
request this function returns {error,{Reason, EventMgrRef}}
-spec check_response(Msg, ReqIdCollection, Delete) -> Result when Msg :: term(), ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection(), Delete :: boolean(), Response :: {reply, Reply :: term()} | {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}, Result :: {Response, Label :: term(), NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()} | no_request | no_reply.
Check if Msg
is a response corresponding to a request identifier saved in
. All request identifiers of ReqIdCollection
must correspond
to requests that have been made using send_request/3
or send_request/5
, and
all requests must have been made by the process calling this function.
The Label
in the response equals the Label
associated with the request
identifier that the response corresponds to. The Label
of a request identifier
is associated when saving the request id in a request
identifier collection, or when sending the request using send_request/5
Compared to check_response/2
, the returned result associated with a specific
request identifier or an exception associated with a specific request identifier
will be wrapped in a 3-tuple. The first element of this tuple equals the value
that would have been produced by check_response/2
, the
second element equals the Label
associated with the specific request
identifier, and the third element NewReqIdCollection
is a possibly modified
request identifier collection.
If ReqIdCollection
is empty, the atom no_request
will be returned. If Msg
does not correspond to any of the request identifiers in ReqIdCollection
, the
atom no_reply
is returned.
If Delete
equals true
, the association with Label
will have been deleted
from ReqIdCollection
in the resulting NewReqIdCollection
. If Delete
, NewReqIdCollection
will equal ReqIdCollection
. Note that deleting
an association is not for free and that a collection containing already handled
requests can still be used by subsequent calls to
, receive_response/3
, and
. However, without deleting handled associations, the above
calls will not be able to detect when there are no more outstanding requests to
handle, so you will have to keep track of this some other way than relying on a
return. Note that if you pass a collection only containing
associations of already handled or abandoned requests to
, it will always return no_reply
delete_handler(EventMgrRef, Handler, Args) -> Result
Deletes an event handler from event manager EventMgrRef
. The event manager
calls Module:terminate/2
to terminate the event handler.
For a description of EventMgrRef
and Handler
, see add_handler/3
is any term that is passed as one of the arguments to
The return value is the return value of Module:terminate/2
If the specified event handler is not installed, the function returns
. If the callback function fails with Reason
, the
function returns {'EXIT',Reason}
Equivalent to sync_notify/2
-spec receive_response(ReqId, Timeout) -> Result when ReqId :: request_id(), Timeout :: response_timeout(), Response :: {reply, Reply :: term()} | {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}, Result :: Response | timeout.
Receive a response corresponding to the request identifier ReqId
- The request
must have been made by send_request/3
to the gen_statem
process. This
function must be called from the same process from which send_request/3
specifies how long to wait for a response. If no response is received
within the specified time, the function returns timeout
. Assuming that the
server executes on a node supporting aliases (introduced in OTP 24) the request
will also be abandoned. That is, no response will be received after a timeout.
Otherwise, a stray response might be received at a later time.
The return value Reply
is defined in the return value of
If the specified event handler is not installed, the function returns
. If the callback function fails with Reason
or returns an
unexpected value Term
, this function returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}
, respectively. If the event manager dies before or during the
request this function returns {error,{Reason, EventMgrRef}}
The difference between wait_response/2
is that
abandons the request at timeout so
that a potential future response is ignored, while
does not.
receive_response(ReqIdCollection, Timeout, Delete)
View Source (since OTP 25.0)-spec receive_response(ReqIdCollection, Timeout, Delete) -> Result when ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection(), Timeout :: response_timeout(), Delete :: boolean(), Response :: {reply, Reply :: term()} | {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}, Result :: {Response, Label :: term(), NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()} | no_request | timeout.
Receive a response corresponding to a request identifier saved in
. All request identifiers of ReqIdCollection
must correspond
to requests that have been made using send_request/3
or send_request/5
, and
all requests must have been made by the process calling this function.
The Label
in the response equals the Label
associated with the request
identifier that the response corresponds to. The Label
of a request identifier
is associated when adding the request id in a request
identifier collection, or when sending the request using send_request/5
Compared to receive_response/2
, the returned result associated with a specific
request identifier will be wrapped in a 3-tuple. The first element of this tuple
equals the value that would have been produced by
, the second element equals the
associated with the specific request identifier, and the third element
is a possibly modified request identifier collection.
If ReqIdCollection
is empty, the atom no_request
will be returned.
specifies how long to wait for a response. If no response is received
within the specified time, the function returns timeout
. Assuming that the
server executes on a node supporting aliases (introduced in OTP 24) all requests
identified by ReqIdCollection
will also be abandoned. That is, no responses
will be received after a timeout. Otherwise, stray responses might be received
at a later time.
The difference between receive_response/3
is that receive_response/3
the requests at timeout so that potential future responses are ignored, while
does not.
If Delete
equals true
, the association with Label
will have been deleted
from ReqIdCollection
in the resulting NewReqIdCollection
. If Delete
, NewReqIdCollection
will equal ReqIdCollection
. Note that deleting
an association is not for free and that a collection containing already handled
requests can still be used by subsequent calls to
, check_response/3
, and
. However, without deleting handled associations, the above
calls will not be able to detect when there are no more outstanding requests to
handle, so you will have to keep track of this some other way than relying on a
return. Note that if you pass a collection only containing
associations of already handled or abandoned requests to
, it will always block until a
timeout determined by Timeout
is triggered.
-spec reqids_add(ReqId :: request_id(), Label :: term(), ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()) -> NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection().
Saves ReqId
and associates a Label
with the request identifier by adding
this information to ReqIdCollection
and returning the resulting request
identifier collection.
-spec reqids_new() -> NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection().
Returns a new empty request identifier collection. A request identifier collection can be utilized in order the handle multiple outstanding requests.
Request identifiers of requests made by send_request/3
can be saved in a
request identifier collection using reqids_add/3
. Such a collection of request
identifiers can later be used in order to get one response corresponding to a
request in the collection by passing the collection as argument to
, wait_response/3
, or, check_response/3
can be used to determine the amount of request identifiers in a
request identifier collection.
-spec reqids_size(ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()) -> non_neg_integer().
Returns the amount of request identifiers saved in ReqIdCollection
-spec reqids_to_list(ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()) -> [{ReqId :: request_id(), Label :: term()}].
Returns a list of {ReqId, Label}
tuples which corresponds to all request
identifiers with their associated labels present in the ReqIdCollection
-spec send_request(EventMgrRef :: emgr_ref(), Handler :: handler(), Request :: term()) -> ReqId :: request_id().
Sends an asynchronous call
request Request
to event handler Handler
installed in the event manager identified by EventMgrRef
and returns a request
identifier ReqId
. The return value ReqId
shall later be used with
, wait_response/2
, or check_response/2
to fetch the
actual result of the request. Besides passing the request identifier directly to
these functions, it can also be saved in a request identifier collection using
. Such a collection of request identifiers can later be used in
order to get one response corresponding to a request in the collection by
passing the collection as argument to receive_response/3
, wait_response/3
or check_response/3
. If you are about to save the request identifier in a
request identifier collection, you may want to consider using send_request/5
The call
gen_event:receive_response(gen_event:send_request(EventMgrRef, Handler, Request), Timeout)
can be seen as equivalent to
gen_event:call(EventMgrRef, Handler, Request, Timeout)
, ignoring
the error handling.
The event manager calls Module:handle_call/2
to handle
the request.
is any term that is passed as one of the arguments to
send_request(EventMgrRef, Handler, Request, Label, ReqIdCollection)
View Source (since OTP 25.0)-spec send_request(EventMgrRef :: emgr_ref(), Handler :: handler(), Request :: term(), Label :: term(), ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()) -> NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection().
Sends an asynchronous call
request Request
to event handler Handler
installed in the event manager identified by EventMgrRef
. The Label
will be
associated with the request identifier of the operation and added to the
returned request identifier collection NewReqIdCollection
. The collection can
later be used in order to get one response corresponding to a request in the
collection by passing the collection as argument to receive_response/3
, or, check_response/3
The same as calling
(EventMgrRef, Handler, Request), Label, ReqIdCollection)
but calling send_request/5
is slightly more efficient.
-spec start() -> start_ret().
Equivalent to start/2
Equivalent to start/2
start(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
Creates a stand-alone event manager process, that is, an event manager that is not part of a supervision tree and thus has no supervisor.
For a description of the arguments and return values, see
-spec start_link() -> start_ret().
Equivalent to start_link/2
Equivalent to start_link/2
start_link(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
Creates an event manager process as part of a supervision tree. The function is to be called, directly or indirectly, by the supervisor. For example, it ensures that the event manager is linked to the caller (supervisor).
- If
, the event manager is registered locally asName
. - If
, the event manager is registered globally asGlobalName
. If no name is provided, the event manager is not registered. - If
, the event manager registers with the registry represented byModule
. TheModule
callback is to export the functionsregister_name/2
, andsend/2
, which are to behave as the corresponding functions inglobal
. Thus,{via,global,GlobalName}
is a valid reference. - If option
is present, thegen_event
process awaits any message forHibernateAfterTimeout
milliseconds and if no message is received, the process goes into hibernation automatically (by callingproc_lib:hibernate/3
If the event manager is successfully created, the function returns {ok,Pid}
where Pid
is the pid of the event manager.
If a process with the specified EventMgrName
exists already, the function
returns {error,{already_started,OtherPid}}
, where OtherPid
is the pid of
that process, and the event manager process exits with reason normal
If the event manager fails to start within the specified start timeout
, which is very unlikely since the start does not interact with
other processes, the function returns {error,timeout}
and the failed event
manager is killed with exit(_, kill)
If start_link/1,2
returns {error,_}
, the started event manager process has
terminated. If an 'EXIT'
message was delivered to the calling process (due to
the process link), that message has been consumed.
Before OTP 26.0, if the started event manager failed to register its name, this founction could return
before the started event manager process had terminated so starting again might fail because the registered name was not yet unregistered, and an'EXIT'
message could arrive later to the process calling this function.But if the start timed out, this function killed the started event manager process and returned
, and then the process link{'EXIT',Pid,killed}
message was consumed.The start was made synchronous in OTP 26.0 and the guarantee was implemented that no process link
message from a failed start will linger in the caller's inbox.
-spec start_monitor() -> start_mon_ret().
Equivalent to start_monitor/2
-spec start_monitor(emgr_name() | [option()]) -> start_mon_ret().
Equivalent to start_monitor/2
-spec start_monitor(emgr_name(), [option()]) -> start_mon_ret().
start_monitor(EventMgrName, Options) -> Result
Creates a stand-alone event manager process, that is, an event manager that is not part of a supervision tree (and thus has no supervisor) and atomically sets up a monitor to the newly created process.
For a description of the arguments and return values, see
. Note that the return value on successful
start differs from start_link/3,4
. start_monitor/3,4
will return
where Pid
is the process identifier of the process, and Mon
is a reference to the monitor set up to monitor the process. If the start is not
successful, the caller will be blocked until the DOWN
message has been
received and removed from the message queue.
-spec stop(emgr_ref()) -> ok.
Equivalent to stop/3
stop(EventMgrRef, Reason, Timeout) -> ok
Orders event manager EventMgrRef
to exit with the specifies Reason
and waits
for it to terminate. Before terminating, gen_event
for each installed event
The function returns ok
if the event manager terminates with the expected
reason. Any other reason than normal
, shutdown
, or {shutdown,Term}
an error report to be issued using logger
. The default Reason
is normal
is an integer greater than zero that specifies how many milliseconds
to wait for the event manager to terminate, or the atom infinity
to wait
indefinitely. Defaults to infinity
. If the event manager has not terminated
within the specified time, the call exits the calling process with reason
If the process does not exist, the call exits the calling process with reason
, and with reason {nodedown,Node}
if the connection fails to the
remote Node
where the server runs.
For a description of EventMgrRef
, see add_handler/3
swap_handler(EventMgrRef, {Handler1,Args1}, {Handler2,Args2}) -> Result
Replaces an old event handler with a new event handler in event manager
For a description of the arguments, see add_handler/3
First the old event handler Handler1
is deleted. The event manager calls
Module1:terminate(Args1, ...)
, where Module1
is the callback module of
, and collects the return value.
Then the new event handler Handler2
is added and initiated by calling
, where Module2
is the callback
module of Handler2
and Term
is the return value of
. This makes it possible to transfer
information from Handler1
to Handler2
The new handler is added even if the the specified old event handler is not
installed, in which case Term=error
, or if
fails with Reason
, in which case
. The old handler is deleted even if
If there was a supervised connection between Handler1
and a process Pid
there is a supervised connection between Handler2
and Pid
If Module2:init/1
returns a correct value, this function returns
. If Module2:init/1
fails with Reason
or returns an
unexpected value Term
, this function returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}
, respectively.
-spec swap_sup_handler(emgr_ref(), {handler(), term()}, {handler(), term()}) -> ok | {error, term()}.
swap_sup_handler(EventMgrRef, {Handler1,Args1}, {Handler2,Args2}) -> Result
Replaces an event handler in event manager EventMgrRef
in the same way as
, but also supervises the connection between
and the calling process.
For a description of the arguments and return values, see swap_handler/3
sync_notify(EventMgrRef, Event) -> ok
Sends an event notification to event manager EventMgrRef
. The event manager
calls Module:handle_event/2
for each installed event
handler to handle the event.
is asynchronous and returns immediately after the event
notification has been sent. sync_notify/2
is synchronous in
the sense that it returns ok
after the event has been handled by all event
For a description of EventMgrRef
, see add_handler/3
is any term that is passed as one of the arguments to
does not fail even if the specified event manager does not exist,
unless it is specified as Name
-spec wait_response(ReqId, WaitTime) -> Result when ReqId :: request_id(), WaitTime :: response_timeout(), Response :: {reply, Reply :: term()} | {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}, Result :: Response | timeout.
Wait for a response corresponding to the request identifier ReqId
. The request
must have been made by send_request/3
to the gen_statem
process. This
function must be called from the same process from which send_request/3
specifies how long to wait for a response. If no response is received
within the specified time, the function returns timeout
and no cleanup is
done, and thus the function can be invoked repeatedly until a reply is returned.
The return value Reply
is defined in the return value of
If the specified event handler is not installed, the function returns
. If the callback function fails with Reason
or returns an
unexpected value Term
, this function returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}}
, respectively. If the event manager dies before or during the
request this function returns {error,{Reason, EventMgrRef}}
The difference between receive_response/2
is that
abandons the request at timeout so
that a potential future response is ignored, while
does not.
-spec wait_response(ReqIdCollection, WaitTime, Delete) -> Result when ReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection(), WaitTime :: response_timeout(), Delete :: boolean(), Response :: {reply, Reply :: term()} | {error, {Reason :: term(), emgr_ref()}}, Result :: {Response, Label :: term(), NewReqIdCollection :: request_id_collection()} | no_request | timeout.
Wait for a response corresponding to a request identifier saved in
. All request identifiers of ReqIdCollection
must correspond
to requests that have been made using send_request/3
or send_request/5
, and
all requests must have been made by the process calling this function.
The Label
in the response equals the Label
associated with the request
identifier that the response corresponds to. The Label
of a request identifier
is associated when saving the request id in a request
identifier collection, or when sending the request using send_request/5
Compared to wait_response/2
, the returned result associated with a specific
request identifier or an exception associated with a specific request identifier
will be wrapped in a 3-tuple. The first element of this tuple equals the value
that would have been produced by wait_response/2
, the
second element equals the Label
associated with the specific request
identifier, and the third element NewReqIdCollection
is a possibly modified
request identifier collection.
If ReqIdCollection
is empty, no_request
will be returned. If no response is
received before the WaitTime
timeout has triggered, the atom timeout
returned. It is valid to continue waiting for a response as many times as needed
up until a response has been received and completed by check_response()
, or wait_response()
The difference between receive_response/3
is that
abandons requests at timeout so
that potential future responses are ignored, while
does not.
If Delete
equals true
, the association with Label
will have been deleted
from ReqIdCollection
in the resulting NewReqIdCollection
. If Delete
, NewReqIdCollection
will equal ReqIdCollection
. Note that deleting
an association is not for free and that a collection containing already handled
requests can still be used by subsequent calls to
, check_response/3
, and
. However, without deleting handled associations, the above
calls will not be able to detect when there are no more outstanding requests to
handle, so you will have to keep track of this some other way than relying on a
return. Note that if you pass a collection only containing
associations of already handled or abandoned requests to
, it will always block until a timeout
determined by WaitTime
is triggered and then return no_reply
which_handlers(EventMgrRef) -> [Handler]
Returns a list of all event handlers installed in event manager EventMgrRef
For a description of EventMgrRef
and Handler
, see add_handler/3