Class AbstractNode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    OtpLocalNode, OtpPeer

    public class AbstractNode
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements OtpTransportFactory

    Represents an OTP node.

    About nodenames: Erlang nodenames consist of two components, an alivename and a hostname separated by '@'. Additionally, there are two nodename formats: short and long. Short names are of the form "alive@hostname", while long names are of the form "alive@host.fully.qualified.domainname". Erlang has special requirements regarding the use of the short and long formats, in particular they cannot be mixed freely in a network of communicating nodes, however Jinterface makes no distinction. See the Erlang documentation for more information about nodenames.

    The constructors for the AbstractNode classes will create names exactly as you provide them as long as the name contains '@'. If the string you provide contains no '@', it will be treated as an alivename and the name of the local host will be appended, resulting in a shortname. Nodenames longer than 255 characters will be truncated without warning.

    Upon initialization, this class attempts to read the file .erlang.cookie in the user's home directory, and uses the trimmed first line of the file as the default cookie by those constructors lacking a cookie argument. If for any reason the file cannot be found or read, the default cookie will be set to the empty string (""). The location of a user's home directory is determined using the system property "user.home", which may not be automatically set on all platforms.

    Instances of this class cannot be created directly, use one of the subclasses instead.

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected AbstractNode​(OtpTransportFactory transportFactory)  
      protected AbstractNode​(java.lang.String node)
      Create a node with the given name and default cookie and transport factory.
      protected AbstractNode​(java.lang.String node, OtpTransportFactory transportFactory)
      Create a node with the given name, transport factory and the default cookie.
      protected AbstractNode​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String cookie)
      Create a node with the given name, cookie and default transport factory.
      protected AbstractNode​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String cookie, OtpTransportFactory transportFactory)
      Create a node with the given name, cookie and transport factory.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractNode

        protected AbstractNode​(java.lang.String node)
        Create a node with the given name and default cookie and transport factory.
      • AbstractNode

        protected AbstractNode​(java.lang.String node,
                               OtpTransportFactory transportFactory)
        Create a node with the given name, transport factory and the default cookie.
      • AbstractNode

        protected AbstractNode​(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String cookie)
        Create a node with the given name, cookie and default transport factory.
      • AbstractNode

        protected AbstractNode​(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String cookie,
                               OtpTransportFactory transportFactory)
        Create a node with the given name, cookie and transport factory.
    • Method Detail

      • node

        public java.lang.String node()
        Get the name of this node.
        the name of the node represented by this object.
      • host

        public java.lang.String host()
        Get the hostname part of the nodename. Nodenames are composed of two parts, an alivename and a hostname, separated by '@'. This method returns the part of the nodename following the '@'.
        the hostname component of the nodename.
      • alive

        public java.lang.String alive()
        Get the alivename part of the hostname. Nodenames are composed of two parts, an alivename and a hostname, separated by '@'. This method returns the part of the nodename preceding the '@'.
        the alivename component of the nodename.
      • cookie

        public java.lang.String cookie()
        Get the authorization cookie used by this node.
        the authorization cookie used by this node.
      • setCookie

        public java.lang.String setCookie​(java.lang.String cookie)
        Set the authorization cookie used by this node.
        the previous authorization cookie used by this node.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • createTransport

        public OtpTransport createTransport​(java.lang.String addr,
                                            int port)
        Description copied from interface: OtpTransportFactory
        Create instance of OtpTransport
        Specified by:
        createTransport in interface OtpTransportFactory
        addr - host name or IP address string
        port - port number
        new socket object