Class OtpExternal

  • public class OtpExternal
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides a collection of constants used when encoding and decoding Erlang terms.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int atomTag
      The tag used for atoms
      static int atomUtf8Tag
      The tag used for unicode atoms
      static int binTag
      The tag used for binaries
      static int bitBinTag
      The tag used for bitstrs
      static int compressedTag
      The tag used for compressed terms
      static int erlMax
      The largest value that can be encoded as an integer
      static int erlMin
      The smallest value that can be encoded as an integer
      static int externalFunTag
      The tag used for external Funs (M:F/A)
      static int floatTag
      The tag used for floating point numbers
      static int funTag
      The tag used for old Funs
      static int intTag
      The tag used for integers
      static int largeBigTag
      The tag used for large bignums
      static int largeTupleTag
      The tag used for large tuples
      static int listTag
      The tag used for non-empty lists
      static int mapTag
      The tag used for maps
      static int maxAtomLength
      The longest allowed Erlang atom
      static int newerRefTag  
      static int newFloatTag  
      static int newFunTag
      The tag used for old new Funs
      static int newPidTag  
      static int newPortTag  
      static int newRefTag
      The tag used for new style references
      static int nilTag
      The tag used for empty lists
      static int pidTag
      The tag used for PIDs
      static int portTag
      The tag used for ports
      static int refTag
      The tag used for old stype references
      static int smallAtomUtf8Tag
      The tag used for small unicode atoms
      static int smallBigTag
      The tag used for small bignums
      static int smallIntTag
      The tag used for small integers
      static int smallTupleTag
      The tag used for small tuples
      static int stringTag
      The tag used for strings and lists of small integers
      static int versionTag
      The version number used to mark serialized Erlang terms
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait