wxListBox (wx v2.4.3)

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A listbox is used to select one or more of a list of strings.

The strings are displayed in a scrolling box, with the selected string(s) marked in reverse video. A listbox can be single selection (if an item is selected, the previous selection is removed) or multiple selection (clicking an item toggles the item on or off independently of other selections).

List box elements are numbered from zero and while the maximal number of elements is unlimited, it is usually better to use a virtual control, not requiring to add all the items to it at once, such as wxDataViewCtrl (not implemented in wx) or wxListCtrl with wxLC_VIRTUAL style, once more than a few hundreds items need to be displayed because this control is not optimized, neither from performance nor from user interface point of view, for large number of items.

Notice that the list box doesn't support control characters other than TAB.


This class supports the following styles:

  • wxLB_SINGLE: Single-selection list.

  • wxLB_MULTIPLE: Multiple-selection list: the user can toggle multiple items on and off. This is the same as wxLB_EXTENDED in wxGTK2 port.

  • wxLB_EXTENDED: Extended-selection list: the user can extend the selection by using SHIFT or CTRL keys together with the cursor movement keys or the mouse.

  • wxLB_HSCROLL: Create horizontal scrollbar if contents are too wide (Windows only).

  • wxLB_ALWAYS_SB: Always show a vertical scrollbar.

  • wxLB_NEEDED_SB: Only create a vertical scrollbar if needed.

  • wxLB_NO_SB: Don't create vertical scrollbar (wxMSW and wxGTK only).

  • wxLB_SORT: The listbox contents are sorted in alphabetical order. Note that wxLB_SINGLE, wxLB_MULTIPLE and wxLB_EXTENDED styles are mutually exclusive and you can specify at most one of them (single selection is the default). See also overview_windowstyles.


This class is derived, and can use functions, from:

wxWidgets docs: wxListBox


Event types emitted from this class:



Deselects an item in the list box.

Destroys the object

Fill an array of ints with the positions of the currently selected items.

Returns the item located at point, or wxNOT\_FOUND if there is no item located at point.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Insert the given number of strings before the specified position.

Determines whether an item is selected.

Default constructor.

Constructor, creating and showing a list box.

Replaces the current control contents with the given items.

Set the specified item to be the first visible item.



-type wxListBox() :: wx:wx_object().


create(This, Parent, Id, Pos, Size, Choices)

-spec create(This, Parent, Id, Pos, Size, Choices) -> boolean()
                    This :: wxListBox(),
                    Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                    Id :: integer(),
                    Pos :: {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()},
                    Size :: {W :: integer(), H :: integer()},
                    Choices :: [unicode:chardata()].

Equivalent to create(This, Parent, Id, Pos, Size, Choices, []).


-spec create(This, Parent, Id, Pos, Size, Choices, [Option]) -> boolean()
                    This :: wxListBox(),
                    Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                    Id :: integer(),
                    Pos :: {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()},
                    Size :: {W :: integer(), H :: integer()},
                    Choices :: [unicode:chardata()],
                    Option :: {style, integer()} | {validator, wx:wx_object()}.

deselect(This, N)

-spec deselect(This, N) -> ok when This :: wxListBox(), N :: integer().

Deselects an item in the list box.

Remark: This applies to multiple selection listboxes only.


-spec destroy(This :: wxListBox()) -> ok.

Destroys the object


-spec getSelections(This) -> Result
                       when Result :: {Res :: integer(), Selections :: [integer()]}, This :: wxListBox().

Fill an array of ints with the positions of the currently selected items.

Return: The number of selections.

Remark: Use this with a multiple selection listbox.


hitTest(This, Point)

-spec hitTest(This, Point) -> integer()
                 when This :: wxListBox(), Point :: {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}.

Returns the item located at point, or wxNOT\_FOUND if there is no item located at point.

It is currently implemented for wxMSW, wxMac and wxGTK2 ports.

Return: Item located at point, or wxNOT_FOUND if unimplemented or the item does not exist.

Since: 2.7.0

hitTest(This, X, Y)

-spec hitTest(This, X, Y) -> integer() when This :: wxListBox(), X :: integer(), Y :: integer().

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

insertItems(This, Items, Pos)

-spec insertItems(This, Items, Pos) -> ok
                     when This :: wxListBox(), Items :: [unicode:chardata()], Pos :: integer().

Insert the given number of strings before the specified position.

isSelected(This, N)

-spec isSelected(This, N) -> boolean() when This :: wxListBox(), N :: integer().

Determines whether an item is selected.

Return: true if the given item is selected, false otherwise.


-spec new() -> wxListBox().

Default constructor.

new(Parent, Id)

-spec new(Parent, Id) -> wxListBox() when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Id :: integer().

Equivalent to new(Parent, Id, []).


-spec new(Parent, Id, [Option]) -> wxListBox()
                 Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                 Id :: integer(),
                 Option ::
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}} |
                     {size, {W :: integer(), H :: integer()}} |
                     {choices, [unicode:chardata()]} |
                     {style, integer()} |
                     {validator, wx:wx_object()}.

Constructor, creating and showing a list box.

See the other new/3 constructor; the only difference is that this overload takes a wxArrayString (not implemented in wx) instead of a pointer to an array of wxString (not implemented in wx).

set(This, Items)

-spec set(This, Items) -> ok when This :: wxListBox(), Items :: [unicode:chardata()].

Replaces the current control contents with the given items.

Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.


-spec setFirstItem(This, N) -> ok when This :: wxListBox(), N :: integer();
                  (This, String) -> ok when This :: wxListBox(), String :: unicode:chardata().

Set the specified item to be the first visible item.