wxAuiTabArt (wx v2.4.3)

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Tab art provider defines all the drawing functions used by wxAuiNotebook.

This allows the wxAuiNotebook to have a pluggable look-and-feel.

By default, a wxAuiNotebook uses an instance of this class called wxAuiDefaultTabArt (not implemented in wx) which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms' look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a completely new tab art class.

Another example of creating a new wxAuiNotebook tab bar is wxAuiSimpleTabArt.

Call wxAuiNotebook:setArtProvider/2 to make use of this new tab art.

wxWidgets docs: wxAuiTabArt



Sets the colour of the selected tab.

Sets the colour of the inactive tabs.

Sets flags.

Sets the font used for calculating measurements.

Sets the normal font for drawing labels.

Sets the font for drawing text for selected UI elements.



-type wxAuiTabArt() :: wx:wx_object().


setActiveColour(This, Colour)

-spec setActiveColour(This, Colour) -> ok when This :: wxAuiTabArt(), Colour :: wx:wx_colour().

Sets the colour of the selected tab.

Since: 2.9.2

setColour(This, Colour)

-spec setColour(This, Colour) -> ok when This :: wxAuiTabArt(), Colour :: wx:wx_colour().

Sets the colour of the inactive tabs.

Since: 2.9.2

setFlags(This, Flags)

-spec setFlags(This, Flags) -> ok when This :: wxAuiTabArt(), Flags :: integer().

Sets flags.

setMeasuringFont(This, Font)

-spec setMeasuringFont(This, Font) -> ok when This :: wxAuiTabArt(), Font :: wxFont:wxFont().

Sets the font used for calculating measurements.

setNormalFont(This, Font)

-spec setNormalFont(This, Font) -> ok when This :: wxAuiTabArt(), Font :: wxFont:wxFont().

Sets the normal font for drawing labels.

setSelectedFont(This, Font)

-spec setSelectedFont(This, Font) -> ok when This :: wxAuiTabArt(), Font :: wxFont:wxFont().

Sets the font for drawing text for selected UI elements.