prettypr (syntax_tools v3.2.2)
View SourceA generic pretty printer library.
This module uses a strict-style context passing implementation of John Hughes algorithm, described in "The design of a Pretty-printing Library". The paragraph-style formatting, empty documents, floating documents, and null strings are my own additions to the algorithm.
To get started, you should read about the document()
type; the main constructor functions: text/1
, above/2
, beside/2
, nest/2
, and par/2
; and the main layout function format/3
If you simply want to format a paragraph of plain text, you probably want to use
the text_par/2
function, as in the following example:
prettypr:format(prettypr:text_par("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"), 20)
An abstract character-based "document" representing a number of possible layouts, which can be processed to produce a single concrete layout.
Concatenates documents vertically.
Concatenates documents horizontally.
Selects a "best" layout for a document, creating a corresponding fixed-layout document.
Forces a line break at the end of the given document.
Yields the empty document, which has neither height nor width.
Equivalent to floating(D, 0, 0)
Creates a "floating" document.
Equivalent to follow(D1, D2, 0)
Separates two documents by either a single space, or a line break and indentation.
Equivalent to format(D, 80)
Equivalent to format(D, PaperWidth, 65)
Computes a layout for a document and returns the corresponding text.
Indents a document a number of character positions to the right.
Similar to text/1
, but the result is treated as having zero width.
Equivalent to par(Ds, 0)
Arranges documents in a paragraph-like layout.
Arranges documents horizontally or vertically, separated by whitespace.
Yields a document representing a fixed, unbreakable sequence of characters.
Equivalent to text_par(Text, 0)
Yields a document representing paragraph-formatted plain text.
-type deep_string() :: [char() | deep_string()].
-type document() :: null | #text{s :: deep_string()} | #nest{n :: integer(), d :: document()} | #beside{d1 :: document(), d2 :: document()} | #above{d1 :: document(), d2 :: document()} | #sep{ds :: [document()], i :: integer(), p :: boolean()} | #float{d :: document(), h :: integer(), v :: integer()} | #union{d1 :: document(), d2 :: document()} | #fit{d :: document()}.
An abstract character-based "document" representing a number of possible layouts, which can be processed to produce a single concrete layout.
A concrete layout can then be rendered as a sequence of characters containing linebreaks, which can be passed to a printer or terminal that uses a fixed-width font.
For example, a document sep([text("foo"), text("bar")])
represents the two layouts:
foo bar
Which layout is chosen depends on the available horizontal space. When processing a document, the main parameters are the paper width and the line width (also known as the "ribbon width"). In the resulting layout, no text should be printed beyond the paper width (which by default is 80 characters) as long as it can be avoided, and each single line of text (its indentation not counted, hence "ribbon") should preferably be no wider than the specified line width (which by default is 65).
Documents can be joined into a single new document using the constructor functions of this module. Note that the new document often represents a larger number of possible layouts than just the sum of the components.
Concatenates documents vertically.
Returns a document representing the concatenation of the documents
and D2
such that the first line of D2
follows directly below
the last line of D1
, and the first character of D2
is in the same
horizontal column as the first character of D1
, in all possible
ab cd => ab
abc fgh => de
de ij fgh
Concatenates documents horizontally.
Returns a document representing the concatenation of the documents
and D2
such that the last character of D1
is horizontally
adjacent to the first character of D2
, in all possible
layouts. (Note: any indentation of D2
is lost.)
ab cd => abcd
ab ef ab
cd gh => cdef
Selects a "best" layout for a document, creating a corresponding fixed-layout document.
If no layout could be produced, the atom empty
is returned instead.
For details about PaperWidth
and LineWidth
, see format/3
. The
function is idempotent.
One possible use of this function is to compute a fixed layout for a document, which can then be included as part of a larger document. For example:
above(text("Example:"), nest(8, best(D, W - 12, L - 6)))
will format D
as a displayed-text example indented by 8, whose right margin is
indented by 4 relative to the paper width W
of the surrounding document, and
whose maximum individual line length is shorter by 6 than the line length L
the surrounding document.
This function is used by the format/3
function to prepare a document before
being laid out as text.
Forces a line break at the end of the given document.
This is a utility function; see empty/0
for details.
-spec empty() -> null.
Yields the empty document, which has neither height nor width.
is thus different from an empty text
which has zero width but height 1.)
Empty documents are occasionally useful; in particular, they have the property
that above(X, empty())
will force a new line after X
leaving an empty line below it; since this is a common idiom, the utility
function break/1
will place a given document in such a context.
See also: text/1
Equivalent to floating(D, 0, 0)
-spec floating(document(), integer(), integer()) -> #float{d :: document(), h :: integer(), v :: integer()}.
Creates a "floating" document.
The result represents the same set of layouts as D
; however, a
floating document may be moved relative to other floating documents
immediately beside or above it, according to their relative horizontal
and vertical priorities. These priorities are set with the Hp
parameters; if omitted, both default to zero.
Floating documents appear to work well, but are currently less general than you might wish, losing effect when embedded in certain contexts. It is possible to nest floating-operators (even with different priorities), but the effects may be difficult to predict. In any case, note that the way the algorithm reorders floating documents amounts to a "bubblesort", so don't expect it to be able to sort large sequences of floating documents quickly.
Equivalent to follow(D1, D2, 0)
Separates two documents by either a single space, or a line break and indentation.
In other words, one of the layouts:
abc def
will be generated, using the optional offset in the latter case. This is often useful for typesetting programming language constructs.
This is a utility function; see par/2
for further details.
See also: follow/2
Equivalent to format(D, 80)
Equivalent to format(D, PaperWidth, 65)
Computes a layout for a document and returns the corresponding text.
See document()
for further information. Throws
if no layout could be selected.
specifies the total width (in character positions) of the field for
which the text is to be laid out. LineWidth
specifies the desired maximum
width (in number of characters) of the text printed on any single line,
disregarding leading and trailing white space. These parameters need to be
properly balanced in order to produce good layouts. By default, PaperWidth
80 and LineWidth
is 65.
See also: best/3
Indents a document a number of character positions to the right.
Note that N
can be negative, shifting the text to the left, or zero,
in which case D
is returned unchanged.
-spec null_text(string()) -> #text{s :: deep_string()}.
Similar to text/1
, but the result is treated as having zero width.
This is regardless of the actual length of the string. Null text is typically used for markup, which is supposed to have no effect on the actual layout.
The standard example is when formatting source code as HTML to be
placed within <pre>...</pre>
markup, and using elements like <i>
and <b>
to make parts of the source code stand out. In this case,
the markup does not add to the width of the text when viewed in an
HTML browser, so the layout engine should simply pretend that the
markup has zero width.
Equivalent to par(Ds, 0)
Arranges documents in a paragraph-like layout.
Returns a document representing all possible left-aligned
paragraph-like layouts of the (nonempty) sequence Docs
documents. Elements in Docs
are separated horizontally by a single
space character and vertically with a single line break. All lines
following the first (if any) are indented to the same left column,
whose indentation is specified by the optional Offset
relative to the position of the first element in Docs
. For example,
with an offset of -4, the following layout can be produced, for a list
of documents representing the numbers 0 to 15:
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13
14 15
or with an offset of +2:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
The utility function text_par/2
can be used to easily transform a string of
text into a par
representation by splitting it into words.
Note that whenever a document in Docs
contains a line break, it will be placed
on a separate line. Thus, neither a layout such as:
ab cd
cd ef
will be generated. However, a useful idiom for making the former variant
possible (when wanted) is beside(par([D1, text("")], N), D2)
two documents D1
and D2
. This will break the line between D1
and D2
contains a line break (or if otherwise necessary), and optionally further
indent D2
by N
character positions. The utility function follow/3
this context for two documents D1
and D2
, and an optional integer N
See also: par/1
, text_par/2
Arranges documents horizontally or vertically, separated by whitespace.
Returns a document representing two alternative layouts of the
(nonempty) sequence Docs
of documents, such that either all elements
in Docs
are concatenated horizontally, and separated by a space
character, or all elements are concatenated vertically (without extra
If some document in Docs
contains a line break, the vertical layout
will always be selected.
ab cd ef => ab cd ef | cd
ab ab
cd ef => cd
See also: par/2
-spec text(string()) -> #text{s :: deep_string()}.
Yields a document representing a fixed, unbreakable sequence of characters.
The string should contain only printable characters (tabs allowed
but not recommended), and not newline, line feed, vertical tab,
and so on. A tab character (\t
) is interpreted as padding of 1-8 space
characters to the next column of 8 characters within the string.
See also: empty/0
, null_text/1
, text_par/2
Equivalent to text_par(Text, 0)
Yields a document representing paragraph-formatted plain text.
The Indentation
parameter specifies the extra indentation
of the first line of the paragraph. For example, text_par("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", N)
could represent:
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet
if N = 0, or:
Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet
if N
= 2, or:
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet
if N
= -2.
(The sign of the indentation is thus reversed compared to the par/2
and the behaviour varies slightly depending on the sign in order to match the
expected layout of a paragraph of text.)
Note that this is just a utility function, which does all the work of splitting
the given string into words separated by whitespace and setting up a
with the proper indentation, containing a list of
See also: par/2
, text/1
, text_par/1