snmpm_conf (snmp v5.18.1)

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Utility functions for handling the manager config files.

The module snmpm_conf contains various utility functions to used for manipulating (write/append/read) the config files of the SNMP manager.



An opaque data structure containg all configuration for one agent for the manager.

An opaque data structure that represents one configuration entry for the manager.

An opaque data structure containg all configuration for one user for the manager.

An opaque data structure containg information about security data for usm for the manager.


Create an entry for the manager agents config file, agents.conf.

Append the agents config to the current manager agents config file.

Append the config to the current manager config file.

Append the users config to the current manager users config file.

Append the usm config to the current manager usm config file.

Create an entry for the manager config file, manager.conf.

Read the current manager agents config file.

Read the current manager config file.

Read the current manager users config file.

Read the current manager usm config file.

Create an entry for the manager users config file, users.conf.

Create an entry for the manager usm config file, usm.conf.

Write the manager agents config to the manager agents config file.

Write the manager config to the manager config file.

Write the manager users config to the manager users config file.

Write the manager usm config to the manager usm config file.



-opaque agent_entry()

An opaque data structure containg all configuration for one agent for the manager.


-opaque manager_entry()

An opaque data structure that represents one configuration entry for the manager.


-opaque user_entry()

An opaque data structure containg all configuration for one user for the manager.


-opaque usm_entry()

An opaque data structure containg information about security data for usm for the manager.



-spec agents_entry(UserId, TargetName, Comm, TDomain, TAddr, EngineID, Timeout, MaxMessageSize, Version,
                   SecModel, SecName, SecLevel) ->
                          UserId :: snmpm:user_id(),
                          TargetName :: snmpm:target_name(),
                          Comm :: snmp:community(),
                          TDomain :: snmp:tdomain(),
                          TAddr :: snmp:taddress(),
                          EngineID :: snmp:engine_id(),
                          Timeout :: snmpm:register_timeout(),
                          MaxMessageSize :: snmp:mms(),
                          Version :: snmp:version(),
                          SecModel :: snmp:sec_model(),
                          SecName :: snmp:sec_name(),
                          SecLevel :: snmp:sec_level(),
                          Entry :: agent_entry();
                  (UserId, TargetName, Comm, Ip, Port, EngineID, Timeout, MaxMessageSize, Version,
                   SecModel, SecName, SecLevel) ->
                          UserId :: snmpm:user_id(),
                          TargetName :: snmpm:target_name(),
                          Comm :: snmp:community(),
                          Ip :: inet:ip_address(),
                          Port :: inet:port_number(),
                          EngineID :: snmp:engine_id(),
                          Timeout :: snmpm:register_timeout(),
                          MaxMessageSize :: snmp:mms(),
                          Version :: snmp:version(),
                          SecModel :: snmp:sec_model(),
                          SecName :: snmp:sec_name(),
                          SecLevel :: snmp:sec_level(),
                          Entry :: agent_entry().

Create an entry for the manager agents config file, agents.conf.

See Agents for more info.

append_agents_config(Dir, Conf)

-spec append_agents_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [agent_entry()].

Append the agents config to the current manager agents config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

See Agents for more info.

append_manager_config(Dir, Conf)

-spec append_manager_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [manager_entry()].

Append the config to the current manager config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

See Manager Information for more info.

append_users_config(Dir, Conf)

-spec append_users_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [user_entry()].

Append the users config to the current manager users config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

See Users for more info.

append_usm_config(Dir, Conf)

-spec append_usm_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [usm_entry()].

Append the usm config to the current manager usm config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

See Security data for USM for more info.

manager_entry(Tag, Val)

-spec manager_entry(Tag, Val) -> ManagerEntry
                           Tag :: transports | port | engine_id | max_message_size,
                           Val :: term(),
                           ManagerEntry :: manager_entry();
                   (Tag, Val) -> ManagerEntry
                       when Tag :: address, Val :: term(), ManagerEntry :: manager_entry().

Create an entry for the manager config file, manager.conf.

The type of Val depends on the value of Tag, see Manager Information for more info.


-spec read_agents_config(Dir) -> {ok, Conf} | {error, Reason}
                            when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [agent_entry()], Reason :: term().

Read the current manager agents config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

See Agents for more info.


-spec read_manager_config(Dir) -> {ok, Conf} | {error, Reason}
                             when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [manager_entry()], Reason :: term().

Read the current manager config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

See Manager Information for more info.


-spec read_users_config(Dir) -> {ok, Conf} | {error, Reason}
                           when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [user_entry()], Reason :: term().

Read the current manager users config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

See Users for more info.


-spec read_usm_config(Dir) -> {ok, Conf} | {error, Reason}
                         when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [usm_entry()], Reason :: term().

Read the current manager usm config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

See Security data for USM for more info.


-spec users_entry(UserId) -> UserEntry when UserId :: snmpm:user_id(), UserEntry :: user_entry().

Equivalent to users_entry(UserId, snmpm_user_default).

users_entry(UserId, UserMod)

-spec users_entry(UserId, UserMod) -> UserEntry
                         UserId :: snmpm:user_id(),
                         UserMod :: snmpm:snmpm_user(),
                         UserEntry :: user_entry().

Equivalent to users_entry(UserId, UserMod, undefined).

users_entry(UserId, UserMod, UserData)

-spec users_entry(UserId, UserMod, UserData) -> UserEntry
                         UserId :: snmpm:user_id(),
                         UserMod :: snmpm:snmpm_user(),
                         UserData :: term(),
                         UserEntry :: user_entry().

Equivalent to users_entry(UserId, UserMod, UserData, []).

users_entry(UserId, UserMod, UserData, DefaultAgentConfig)

(since OTP 27.0)
-spec users_entry(UserId, UserMod, UserData, DefaultAgentConfig) -> UserEntry
                         UserId :: snmpm:user_id(),
                         UserMod :: snmpm:snmpm_user(),
                         UserData :: term(),
                         DefaultAgentConfig :: [snmpm:agent_config()],
                         UserEntry :: user_entry().

Create an entry for the manager users config file, users.conf.

See the Users chapter of the (SNMP) Manager Configuration User Guide for more info.

usm_entry(EngineID, UserName, AuthP, AuthKey, PrivP, PrivKey)

-spec usm_entry(EngineID, UserName, AuthP, AuthKey, PrivP, PrivKey) -> UsmEntry
                       EngineID :: snmp:engine_id(),
                       UserName :: snmp:usm_name(),
                       AuthP :: snmp:usm_auth_protocol(),
                       AuthKey :: snmp:usm_auth_key(),
                       PrivP :: snmp:usm_priv_protocol(),
                       PrivKey :: snmp:usm_priv_key(),
                       UsmEntry :: usm_entry().

Equivalent to usm_entry/7.

usm_entry(EngineID, UserName, SecName, AuthP, AuthKey, PrivP, PrivKey)

-spec usm_entry(EngineID, UserName, SecName, AuthP, AuthKey, PrivP, PrivKey) -> UsmEntry
                       EngineID :: snmp:engine_id(),
                       UserName :: snmp:usm_name(),
                       SecName :: snmp:sec_name(),
                       AuthP :: snmp:usm_auth_protocol(),
                       AuthKey :: snmp:usm_auth_key(),
                       PrivP :: snmp:usm_priv_protocol(),
                       PrivKey :: snmp:usm_priv_key(),
                       UsmEntry :: usm_entry().

Create an entry for the manager usm config file, usm.conf.

See Security data for USM for more info.

write_agents_config(Dir, Conf)

-spec write_agents_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [agent_entry()].

Equivalent to write_agents_config/3.

write_agents_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf)

-spec write_agents_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf) -> ok
                             when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Hdr :: string(), Conf :: [agent_entry()].

Write the manager agents config to the manager agents config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

Hdr is an optional file header (note that this text is written to the file as is).

See Agents for more info.

write_manager_config(Dir, Conf)

-spec write_manager_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [manager_entry()].

Equivalent to write_manager_config/3.

write_manager_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf)

-spec write_manager_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf) -> ok
                              when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Hdr :: string(), Conf :: [manager_entry()].

Write the manager config to the manager config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

Hdr is an optional file header (note that this text is written to the file as is).

See Manager Information for more info.

write_users_config(Dir, Conf)

-spec write_users_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [user_entry()].

Equivalent to write_users_config/3.

write_users_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf)

-spec write_users_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf) -> ok
                            when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Hdr :: string(), Conf :: [user_entry()].

Write the manager users config to the manager users config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

Hdr is an optional file header (note that this text is written to the file as is).

See Users for more info.

write_usm_config(Dir, Conf)

-spec write_usm_config(Dir, Conf) -> ok when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Conf :: [user_entry()].

Equivalent to write_usm_config/3.

write_usm_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf)

-spec write_usm_config(Dir, Hdr, Conf) -> ok
                          when Dir :: snmp:dir(), Hdr :: string(), Conf :: [user_entry()].

Write the manager usm config to the manager usm config file.

Dir is the path to the directory where to store the config file.

Hdr is an optional file header (note that this text is written to the file as is).

See Security data for USM for more info.