snmpa_mib_storage behaviour (snmp v5.18.1)
View SourceBehaviour module for the SNMP agent mib storage.
This module defines the behaviour of the SNMP agent mib storage.
The mib storage is used by the agent to store internal mib- related information. The mib storage module is used by several entities, not just the mib-server.
A snmpa_mib_storage
compliant module must export the following functions:
- open/5
- close/1
- read/2
- write/2
- delete/1
- delete/2
- match_object/2
- match_delete/2
- tab2list/1
- info/1
- info/2
- sync/1
- backup/2
The semantics of them and their exact signatures are explained below.
Perform a backup of the mib-storage table.
Close the mib-storage table.
Delete an entire mib-storage table.
Delete a record from the mib-storage table.
Retrieve implementation dependent mib-storage table information.
Search the mib-storage table for record that match the specified pattern and then delete them. The records deleted are also returned.
Search the mib-storage table for record that match the specified pattern.
Create or open a mib storage table.
Read a record from the mib-storage table.
Synchronize the mib-storage table.
Return all records in the mib-storage table in the form of a list.
Write a record to the mib-storage table.
-callback backup(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id(), Dir :: file:filename()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.
Perform a backup of the mib-storage table.
What this means, if anything, is implementation dependent.
-callback close(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id()) -> term().
Close the mib-storage table.
-callback delete(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id()) -> snmp:void().
Delete an entire mib-storage table.
-callback delete(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id(), Key :: term()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.
Delete a record from the mib-storage table.
-callback info(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id()) -> Info :: term().
Retrieve implementation dependent mib-storage table information.
-callback info(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id(), Item :: atom()) -> Info :: term().
-callback match_delete(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id(), Pattern :: ets:match_pattern()) -> Recs :: [tuple()] | {error, Reason :: term()}.
Search the mib-storage table for record that match the specified pattern and then delete them. The records deleted are also returned.
-callback match_object(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id(), Pattern :: ets:match_pattern()) -> Recs :: [tuple()] | {error, Reason :: term()}.
Search the mib-storage table for record that match the specified pattern.
-callback open(Name :: atom(), RecName :: atom(), Fields :: mib_storage_fields(), Type :: mib_storage_table_type(), Options :: list()) -> {ok, TabId :: mib_storage_table_id()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
Create or open a mib storage table.
Note that the RecordName
and Fields
arguments my not be used in all
implementations (they are actually only needed for mnesia-based
Note also that the Options
argument comes from the options
config option of
the mib-storage config option, and is passed on as is.
-callback read(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id(), Key :: term()) -> false | {value, Record :: tuple()}.
Read a record from the mib-storage table.
-callback sync(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id()) -> snmp:void().
Synchronize the mib-storage table.
What this means, if anything, is implementation dependent.
-callback tab2list(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id()) -> [tuple()].
Return all records in the mib-storage table in the form of a list.
-callback write(TabId :: mib_storage_table_id(), Record :: tuple()) -> ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.
Write a record to the mib-storage table.