logger (kernel v10.2.3)
View SourceAPI module for Logger, the standard logging facility in Erlang/OTP.
This module implements the main API for logging in Erlang/OTP. To create a log event, use the API functions or the log macros, for example:
?LOG_ERROR("error happened because: ~p", [Reason]). % With macro
logger:error("error happened because: ~p", [Reason]). % Without macro
To configure the Logger backend, use Kernel configuration parameters or configuration functions in the Logger API.
By default, the Kernel application installs one log handler at system start.
This handler is named default
. It receives and processes standard log events
produced by the Erlang runtime system, standard behaviours and different
Erlang/OTP applications. The log events are by default printed to the terminal.
If you want your systems logs to be printed to a file instead, you must
configure the default handler to do so. The simplest way is to include the
following in your sys.config
[{handler, default, logger_std_h,
#{config => #{file => "path/to/file.log"}}}]}]}].
For more information about:
- the Logger facility in general, see the User's Guide.
- how to configure Logger, see the Configuration section in the User's Guide.
- the built-in handlers, see
. - the built-in formatter, see
. - built-in filters, see
The following macros are defined in logger.hrl
, which is included in a module
with the directive
All macros expand to a call to Logger, where Level
is taken from the macro
name, or from the first argument in the case of the ?LOG
macro. Location data
is added to the metadata as described under the metadata/0
type definition.
The call is wrapped in a case statement and will be evaluated only if Level
equal to or below the configured log level.
See Also
, erlang
, io
, logger_disk_log_h
, logger_handler
, logger_formatter
, logger_std_h
Configuration used when adding or updating a handler.
A filter which can be installed as a handler filter, or as a primary filter in Logger.
The second argument to the filter fun.
A unique identifier for a filter.
The return value from the filter fun.
Configuration data for the formatter. See logger_formatter
for an example of
a formatter implementation.
Handler configuration data for Logger.
A unique identifier for a handler instance.
The severity level for the message to be logged.
A log event passed to filters and handlers
Metadata for the log event.
Overload protection configuration.
Primary configuration data for Logger. The following default values apply
A log report.
A fun which converts a report()
to a format string and
arguments, or directly to a string.
A timestamp produced with logger:timestamp()
Logging API functions
Equivalent to alert(StringOrReport, #{})
Create a alert log event.
Equivalent to critical(StringOrReport, #{})
Create a critical log event.
Equivalent to debug(StringOrReport, #{})
Create a debug log event.
Equivalent to emergency(StringOrReport, #{})
Create a emergency log event.
Equivalent to error(StringOrReport, #{})
Create a error log event.
Equivalent to info(StringOrReport, #{})
Create a info log event.
Equivalent to log(Level, StringOrReport, #{})
Equivalent to notice(StringOrReport, #{})
Create a notice log event.
Equivalent to warning(StringOrReport, #{})
Create a warning log event.
Configuration API functions
Add a handler with the given configuration.
Add a filter to the specified handler.
Reads the application configuration parameter logger
and calls
with its contents.
Add a primary filter to Logger.
Look up all current Logger configuration, including primary, handler, and proxy configuration, and module level settings.
Look up the current configuration for all handlers.
Look up the current configuration for the given handler.
Look up the identities for all installed handlers.
Look up all current module levels. Returns a list containing one
element for each module for which the module level was
previously set with set_module_level/2
Look up the current level for the given modules. Returns a list containing one
element for each of the given modules for which the module
level was previously set with set_module_level/2
Look up the current primary configuration for Logger.
Retrieve data set with set_process_metadata/1
or update_process_metadata/1
Look up the current configuration for the Logger proxy.
Pretty print all Logger configuration.
Pretty print the Logger configuration.
Remove the handler identified by HandlerId
Remove the filter identified by FilterId
from the handler identified by
Remove the primary filter identified by FilterId
from Logger.
Set the log level for all the modules of the specified application.
Set configuration data for the specified handler. This overwrites the current handler configuration.
Add or update configuration data for the specified handler. If the given Key
already exists, its associated value will be changed to the given value. If it
does not exist, it will be added.
Set the log level for the specified modules.
Set primary configuration data for Logger. This overwrites the current configuration.
Add or update primary configuration data for Logger. If the given Key
exists, its associated value will be changed to the given value. If it does not
exist, it will be added.
Set metadata which Logger shall automatically insert in all log events produced on the current process.
Set configuration data for the Logger proxy. This overwrites the current proxy
configuration. Keys that are not specified in the Config
map gets default
Unset the log level for all the modules of the specified application.
Remove module specific log settings. After this, the primary log level is used for all modules.
Remove module specific log settings. After this, the primary log level is used for the specified modules.
Delete data set with set_process_metadata/1
or update_process_metadata/1
Update the formatter configuration for the specified handler.
Equivalent to update_formatter_config(HandlerId, #{Key => Value})
Update configuration data for the specified handler. This function behaves as if it was implemented as follows
Add or update configuration data for the specified handler. If the given Key
already exists, its associated value will be changed to the given value. If it
does not exist, it will be added.
Update primary configuration data for Logger. This function behaves as if it was implemented as follows
Set or update metadata to use when logging from current process
Update configuration data for the Logger proxy. This function behaves as if it was implemented as follows
Miscellaneous API functions
Compare the severity of two log levels. Returns gt
if Level1
is more severe
than Level2
, lt
if Level1
is less severe, and eq
if the levels are
Convert a log message on report form to {Format, Args}
. This is the default
report callback used by logger_formatter
when no custom report callback is
found. See section Log Message in the Kernel
User's Guide for information about report callbacks and valid forms of log
Reconfigure Logger using updated kernel
configuration that was set after
application was loaded.
Return a timestamp that can be inserted as the time
field in the meta data for
a log event. It is produced with
-type config_handler() :: {handler, logger_handler:id(), module(), logger_handler:config()}.
Configuration used when adding or updating a handler.
-type filter() :: {fun((log_event(), filter_arg()) -> filter_return()), filter_arg()}.
A filter which can be installed as a handler filter, or as a primary filter in Logger.
-type filter_arg() :: term().
The second argument to the filter fun.
-type filter_id() :: atom().
A unique identifier for a filter.
-type filter_return() :: stop | ignore | log_event().
The return value from the filter fun.
Configuration data for the formatter. See logger_formatter
for an example of
a formatter implementation.
-type handler_config() :: logger_handler:config().
Handler configuration data for Logger.
DEPRECATED: Use logger_handler:config/0
-type handler_id() :: logger_handler:id().
A unique identifier for a handler instance.
DEPRECATED: Use logger_handler:id/0
-type level() :: emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | info | debug.
The severity level for the message to be logged.
-type log_event() :: #{level := level(), msg := {io:format(), [term()]} | {report, report()} | {string, unicode:chardata()}, meta := metadata()}.
A log event passed to filters and handlers
-type metadata() :: #{pid => pid(), gl => pid(), time => timestamp(), mfa => {module(), atom(), non_neg_integer()}, file => file:filename(), line => non_neg_integer(), domain => [atom()], report_cb => report_cb(), atom() => term()}.
Metadata for the log event.
Logger adds the following metadata to each log event:
pid => self()
gl => group_leader()
time => logger:timestamp()
When a log macro is used, Logger also inserts location information:
file => ?FILE
line => ?LINE
You can add custom metadata, either by:
- specifying a map as the last parameter to any of the log macros or the logger API functions.
- setting process metadata with
. - setting primary metadata with
or through the kernel configuration parameter logger_metadata
When adding custom metadata, make sure not to use any of the keys mentioned above as that may cause a lot of confusion about the log events.
Logger merges all the metadata maps before forwarding the log event to the handlers. If the same keys occur, values from the log call overwrite process metadata, which overwrites the primary metadata, which in turn overwrite values set by Logger.
The following custom metadata keys have special meaning:
- The value associated with this key is used by filters for grouping log events originating from, for example, specific functional areas. Seelogger_filters:domain/2
for a description of how this field can be used.report_cb
- If the log message is specified as areport/0
, thereport_cb
key can be associated with a fun (report callback) that converts the report to a format string and arguments, or directly to a string. See the type definition ofreport_cb/0
, and section Log Message in the User's Guide for more information about report callbacks.
-type msg_fun() :: fun((term()) -> msg_fun_return() | {msg_fun_return(), metadata()}).
-type msg_fun_return() :: {io:format(), [term()]} | report() | unicode:chardata() | ignore.
-type olp_config() :: logger_handler:olp_config().
Overload protection configuration.
DEPRECATED: Use logger_handler:olp_config/0
-type primary_config() :: #{level => level() | all | none, metadata => metadata(), filter_default => log | stop, filters => [{filter_id(), filter()}]}.
Primary configuration data for Logger. The following default values apply:
level => info
filter_default => log
filters => []
A log report.
-type report_cb() :: fun((report()) -> {io:format(), [term()]}) | fun((report(), report_cb_config()) -> unicode:chardata()).
A fun which converts a report()
to a format string and
arguments, or directly to a string.
See section Log Message in the User's Guide for more information.
-type report_cb_config() :: #{depth := pos_integer() | unlimited, chars_limit := pos_integer() | unlimited, single_line := boolean()}.
-type timestamp() :: integer().
A timestamp produced with logger:timestamp()
Logging API functions
-spec alert(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to alert(StringOrReport, #{})
-spec alert(String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a alert log event.
Equivalent to log(alert, StringOrReport, Metadata)
if called
as alert(StringOrReport, Metadata)
Equivalent to alert(FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
alert(FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec alert(Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(alert, FormatOrFun, Args, Metadata)
-spec critical(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to critical(StringOrReport, #{})
-spec critical(String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a critical log event.
Equivalent to log(critical, StringOrReport, Metadata)
if called
as critical(StringOrReport, Metadata)
Equivalent to critical(FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
critical(FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec critical(Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(critical, FormatOrFun, Args, Metadata)
-spec debug(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to debug(StringOrReport, #{})
-spec debug(String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a debug log event.
Equivalent to log(debug, StringOrReport, Metadata)
if called
as debug(StringOrReport, Metadata)
Equivalent to debug(FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
debug(FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec debug(Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(debug, FormatOrFun, Args, Metadata)
-spec emergency(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to emergency(StringOrReport, #{})
-spec emergency(String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a emergency log event.
Equivalent to log(emergency, StringOrReport, Metadata)
if called
as emergency(StringOrReport, Metadata)
Equivalent to emergency(FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
emergency(FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec emergency(Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(emergency, FormatOrFun, Args, Metadata)
-spec error(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to error(StringOrReport, #{})
-spec error(String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a error log event.
Equivalent to log(error, StringOrReport, Metadata)
if called
as error(StringOrReport, Metadata)
Equivalent to error(FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
error(FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec error(Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(error, FormatOrFun, Args, Metadata)
-spec info(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to info(StringOrReport, #{})
-spec info(String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a info log event.
Equivalent to log(info, StringOrReport, Metadata)
if called
as info(StringOrReport, Metadata)
Equivalent to info(FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
info(FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec info(Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(info, FormatOrFun, Args, Metadata)
-spec log(Level :: level(), String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Level :: level(), Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(Level, StringOrReport, #{})
-spec log(Level :: level(), String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Level :: level(), Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Level :: level(), Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Level :: level(), Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a log event at the given log level, with the given message to be logged and metadata.
%% A plain string
1> logger:log(info, "Hello World").
%% A plain string with metadata
2> logger:log(debug, "Hello World", #{ meta => data }).
%% A format string with arguments
3> logger:log(warning, "The roof is on ~ts",[Cause]).
%% A report
4> logger:log(warning, #{ what => roof, cause => Cause }).
Equivalent to log(Level, FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
log(Level, FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec log(Level :: level(), Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Level :: level(), Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Create a log event at the given log level, with the given message to be logged and metadata.
The message and metadata can either be given directly in the arguments, or returned from a fun. Passing a fun instead of the message/metadata directly is useful in scenarios when the message/metadata is very expensive to compute. This is because the fun is only evaluated when the message/metadata is actually needed, which may be not at all if the log event is not to be logged. Examples:
%% A plain string with expensive metadata
1> logger:info(fun([]) -> {"Hello World", #{ meta => expensive() }} end,[]).
%% An expensive report
2> logger:debug(fun(What) -> #{ what => What, cause => expensive() } end,roof).
%% A plain string with expensive metadata and normal metadata
3> logger:debug(fun([]) -> {"Hello World", #{ meta => expensive() }} end,[],
#{ meta => data }).
When metadata is given both as an argument and returned from the fun they are merged. If equal keys exists the values are taken from the metadata returned by the fun.
-spec notice(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to notice(StringOrReport, #{})
-spec notice(String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a notice log event.
Equivalent to log(notice, StringOrReport, Metadata)
if called
as notice(StringOrReport, Metadata)
Equivalent to notice(FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
notice(FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec notice(Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(notice, FormatOrFun, Args, Metadata)
-spec warning(String :: unicode:chardata()) -> ok; (Report :: report()) -> ok.
Equivalent to warning(StringOrReport, #{})
-spec warning(String :: unicode:chardata(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Report :: report(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term()) -> ok.
Create a warning log event.
Equivalent to log(warning, StringOrReport, Metadata)
if called
as warning(StringOrReport, Metadata)
Equivalent to warning(FormatOrFun, Args, #{})
if called as
warning(FormatOrFun, Args)
-spec warning(Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()], Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok; (Fun :: msg_fun(), FunArgs :: term(), Metadata :: metadata()) -> ok.
Equivalent to log(warning, FormatOrFun, Args, Metadata)
Configuration API functions
-spec add_handler(HandlerId, Module, Config) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Module :: module(), Config :: logger_handler:config().
Add a handler with the given configuration.
is a unique identifier which must be used in all subsequent calls
referring to this handler.
-spec add_handler_filter(HandlerId, FilterId, Filter) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), FilterId :: filter_id(), Filter :: filter().
Add a filter to the specified handler.
The filter fun is called with the log event as the first parameter, and the
specified filter_args()
as the second parameter.
The return value of the fun specifies if a log event is to be discarded or forwarded to the handler callback:
- The filter passed. The next handler filter, if any, is applied. If no more filters exist for this handler, the log event is forwarded to the handler callback.stop
- The filter did not pass, and the log event is immediately discarded.ignore
- The filter has no knowledge of the log event. The next handler filter, if any, is applied. If no more filters exist for this handler, the value of thefilter_default
configuration parameter for the handler specifies if the log event shall be discarded or forwarded to the handler callback.
See section Filters in the User's Guide for more information about filters.
Some built-in filters exist. These are defined in logger_filters
-spec add_handlers(Application) -> ok | {error, term()} when Application :: atom(); (HandlerConfig) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerConfig :: [config_handler()].
Reads the application configuration parameter logger
and calls
with its contents.
This function should be used by custom Logger handlers to make configuration
consistent no matter which handler the system uses. Normal usage is to add a
call to logger:add_handlers/1
just after the processes that the handler needs
are started, and pass the application's logger
configuration as the argument.
For example:
start(_, []) ->
case supervisor:start_link({local, my_sup}, my_sup, []) of
{ok, Pid} ->
ok = logger:add_handlers(my_app),
{ok, Pid, []};
Error -> Error
This reads the logger
configuration parameter from the my_app
and starts the configured handlers. The contents of the configuration use the
same rules as the
logger handler configuration.
If the handler is meant to replace the default handler, the Kernel's default
handler have to be disabled before the new handler is added. A sys.config
that disables the Kernel handler and adds a custom handler could look like this:
%% Disable the default Kernel handler
[{handler, default, undefined}]}]},
%% Enable this handler as the default
[{handler, default, my_handler, #{}}]}]}].
-spec add_primary_filter(FilterId, Filter) -> ok | {error, term()} when FilterId :: filter_id(), Filter :: filter().
Add a primary filter to Logger.
The filter fun is called with the log event as the first parameter, and the
specified filter_args()
as the second parameter.
The return value of the fun specifies if a log event is to be discarded or forwarded to the handlers:
- The filter passed. The next primary filter, if any, is applied. If no more primary filters exist, the log event is forwarded to the handler part of Logger, where handler filters are applied.stop
- The filter did not pass, and the log event is immediately discarded.ignore
- The filter has no knowledge of the log event. The next primary filter, if any, is applied. If no more primary filters exist, the value of the primaryfilter_default
configuration parameter specifies if the log event shall be discarded or forwarded to the handler part.
See section Filters in the User's Guide for more information about filters.
Some built-in filters exist. These are defined in logger_filters
-spec get_config() -> #{primary => primary_config(), handlers => [logger_handler:config()], proxy => olp_config(), module_levels => [{module(), level() | all | none}]}.
Look up all current Logger configuration, including primary, handler, and proxy configuration, and module level settings.
-spec get_handler_config() -> [Config] when Config :: logger_handler:config().
Look up the current configuration for all handlers.
-spec get_handler_config(HandlerId) -> {ok, Config} | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Config :: logger_handler:config().
Look up the current configuration for the given handler.
-spec get_handler_ids() -> [HandlerId] when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id().
Look up the identities for all installed handlers.
-spec get_module_level() -> [{Module, Level}] when Module :: module(), Level :: level() | all | none.
Look up all current module levels. Returns a list containing one
element for each module for which the module level was
previously set with set_module_level/2
-spec get_module_level(Modules) -> [{Module, Level}] when Modules :: [Module] | Module, Module :: module(), Level :: level() | all | none.
Look up the current level for the given modules. Returns a list containing one
element for each of the given modules for which the module
level was previously set with set_module_level/2
-spec get_primary_config() -> Config when Config :: primary_config().
Look up the current primary configuration for Logger.
-spec get_process_metadata() -> Meta | undefined when Meta :: metadata().
Retrieve data set with set_process_metadata/1
or update_process_metadata/1
-spec get_proxy_config() -> Config when Config :: olp_config().
Look up the current configuration for the Logger proxy.
For more information about the proxy, see section Logger Proxy in the Kernel User's Guide.
-spec i() -> ok.
Pretty print all Logger configuration.
-spec i(What) -> ok when What :: primary | handlers | proxy | modules | logger_handler:id().
Pretty print the Logger configuration.
-spec remove_handler(HandlerId) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id().
Remove the handler identified by HandlerId
-spec remove_handler_filter(HandlerId, FilterId) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), FilterId :: filter_id().
Remove the filter identified by FilterId
from the handler identified by
Remove the primary filter identified by FilterId
from Logger.
-spec set_application_level(Application, Level) -> ok | {error, not_loaded} when Application :: atom(), Level :: level() | all | none.
Set the log level for all the modules of the specified application.
This function is a convenience function that calls logger:set_module_level/2 for each module associated with an application.
-spec set_handler_config(HandlerId, Config) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Config :: logger_handler:config().
Set configuration data for the specified handler. This overwrites the current handler configuration.
To modify the existing configuration, use update_handler_config/2
, or, if a
more complex merge is needed, read the current configuration with
, then do the merge before
writing the new configuration back with this function.
If a key is removed compared to the current configuration, and the key is known by Logger, the default value is used. If it is a custom key, then it is up to the handler implementation if the value is removed or a default value is inserted.
-spec set_handler_config(HandlerId, level, Level) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Level :: level() | all | none, Return :: ok | {error, term()}; (HandlerId, filter_default, FilterDefault) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), FilterDefault :: log | stop, Return :: ok | {error, term()}; (HandlerId, filters, Filters) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Filters :: [{filter_id(), filter()}], Return :: ok | {error, term()}; (HandlerId, formatter, Formatter) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Formatter :: {module(), formatter_config()}, Return :: ok | {error, term()}; (HandlerId, config, Config) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Config :: term(), Return :: ok | {error, term()}.
Add or update configuration data for the specified handler. If the given Key
already exists, its associated value will be changed to the given value. If it
does not exist, it will be added.
If the value is incomplete, which for example can be the case for the config
key, it is up to the handler implementation how the unspecified parts are set.
For all handlers in the Kernel application, unspecified data for the config
key is set to default values. To update only specified data, and keep the
existing configuration for the rest, use update_handler_config/3
See the definition of the logger_handler:config/0
type for more information
about the different parameters.
-spec set_module_level(Modules, Level) -> ok | {error, term()} when Modules :: [module()] | module(), Level :: level() | all | none.
Set the log level for the specified modules.
The log level for a module overrides the primary log level of Logger for log events originating from the module in question. Notice, however, that it does not override the level configuration for any handler.
For example: Assume that the primary log level for Logger is info
, and there
is one handler, h1
, with level info
and one handler, h2
, with level
With this configuration, no debug messages will be logged, since they are all stopped by the primary log level.
If the level for mymodule
is now set to debug
, then debug events from this
module will be logged by the handler h2
, but not by handler h1
Debug events from other modules are still not logged.
To change the primary log level for Logger, use
set_primary_config(level, Level)
To change the log level for a handler, use
set_handler_config(HandlerId, level, Level)
The originating module for a log event is only detected if the key mfa
exists in the metadata, and is associated with {Module, Function, Arity}
When log macros are used, this association is automatically added to all log
events. If an API function is called directly, without using a macro, the
logging client must explicitly add this information if module levels shall
have any effect.
-spec set_primary_config(Config) -> ok | {error, term()} when Config :: primary_config().
Set primary configuration data for Logger. This overwrites the current configuration.
To modify the existing configuration, use update_primary_config/1
, or, if a
more complex merge is needed, read the current configuration with
, then do the merge before
writing the new configuration back with this function.
If a key is removed compared to the current configuration, the default value is used.
-spec set_primary_config(level, Level) -> ok | {error, term()} when Level :: level() | all | none; (filter_default, FilterDefault) -> ok | {error, term()} when FilterDefault :: log | stop; (filters, Filters) -> ok | {error, term()} when Filters :: [{filter_id(), filter()}]; (metadata, Meta) -> ok | {error, term()} when Meta :: metadata().
Add or update primary configuration data for Logger. If the given Key
exists, its associated value will be changed to the given value. If it does not
exist, it will be added.
The metadata
key was added in OTP 24.0.
-spec set_process_metadata(Meta) -> ok when Meta :: metadata().
Set metadata which Logger shall automatically insert in all log events produced on the current process.
Location data produced by the log macros, and/or metadata given as argument to the log call (API function or macro), are merged with the process metadata. If the same keys occur, values from the metadata argument to the log call overwrite values from the process metadata, which in turn overwrite values from the location data.
Subsequent calls to this function overwrites previous data set. To update
existing data instead of overwriting it, see update_process_metadata/1
-spec set_proxy_config(Config) -> ok | {error, term()} when Config :: olp_config().
Set configuration data for the Logger proxy. This overwrites the current proxy
configuration. Keys that are not specified in the Config
map gets default
To modify the existing configuration, use update_proxy_config/1
, or, if a more
complex merge is needed, read the current configuration with
, then do the merge before writing
the new configuration back with this function.
For more information about the proxy, see section Logger Proxy in the Kernel User's Guide.
-spec unset_application_level(Application) -> ok | {error, {not_loaded, Application}} when Application :: atom().
Unset the log level for all the modules of the specified application.
This function is a utility function that calls logger:unset_module_level/2 for each module associated with an application.
-spec unset_module_level() -> ok.
Remove module specific log settings. After this, the primary log level is used for all modules.
Remove module specific log settings. After this, the primary log level is used for the specified modules.
-spec unset_process_metadata() -> ok.
Delete data set with set_process_metadata/1
or update_process_metadata/1
-spec update_formatter_config(HandlerId, FormatterConfig) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), FormatterConfig :: formatter_config().
Update the formatter configuration for the specified handler.
The new configuration is merged with the existing formatter configuration.
To overwrite the existing configuration without any merge, use
set_handler_config(HandlerId, formatter,
{FormatterModule, FormatterConfig}).
-spec update_formatter_config(HandlerId, Key, Value) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Key :: atom(), Value :: term().
Equivalent to update_formatter_config(HandlerId, #{Key => Value})
-spec update_handler_config(HandlerId, Config) -> ok | {error, term()} when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Config :: logger_handler:config().
Update configuration data for the specified handler. This function behaves as if it was implemented as follows:
{ok, {_, Old}} = logger:get_handler_config(HandlerId),
logger:set_handler_config(HandlerId, maps:merge(Old, Config)).
To overwrite the existing configuration without any merge, use
-spec update_handler_config(HandlerId, level, Level) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Level :: level() | all | none, Return :: ok | {error, term()}; (HandlerId, filter_default, FilterDefault) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), FilterDefault :: log | stop, Return :: ok | {error, term()}; (HandlerId, filters, Filters) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Filters :: [{filter_id(), filter()}], Return :: ok | {error, term()}; (HandlerId, formatter, Formatter) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Formatter :: {module(), formatter_config()}, Return :: ok | {error, term()}; (HandlerId, config, Config) -> Return when HandlerId :: logger_handler:id(), Config :: term(), Return :: ok | {error, term()}.
Add or update configuration data for the specified handler. If the given Key
already exists, its associated value will be changed to the given value. If it
does not exist, it will be added.
If the value is incomplete, which for example can be the case for the config
key, it is up to the handler implementation how the unspecified parts are set.
For all handlers in the Kernel application, unspecified data for the config
key is not changed. To reset unspecified data to default values, use
See the definition of the logger_handler:config/0
type for more information
about the different parameters.
-spec update_primary_config(Config) -> ok | {error, term()} when Config :: primary_config().
Update primary configuration data for Logger. This function behaves as if it was implemented as follows:
Old = logger:get_primary_config(),
logger:set_primary_config(maps:merge(Old, Config)).
To overwrite the existing configuration without any merge, use
-spec update_process_metadata(Meta) -> ok when Meta :: metadata().
Set or update metadata to use when logging from current process
If process metadata exists for the current process, this function behaves as if it was implemented as follows:
logger:set_process_metadata(maps:merge(logger:get_process_metadata(), Meta)).
If no process metadata exists, the function behaves as
-spec update_proxy_config(Config) -> ok | {error, term()} when Config :: olp_config().
Update configuration data for the Logger proxy. This function behaves as if it was implemented as follows:
Old = logger:get_proxy_config(),
logger:set_proxy_config(maps:merge(Old, Config)).
To overwrite the existing configuration without any merge, use
For more information about the proxy, see section Logger Proxy in the Kernel User's Guide.
Miscellaneous API functions
-spec compare_levels(Level1, Level2) -> eq | gt | lt when Level1 :: level() | all | none, Level2 :: level() | all | none.
Compare the severity of two log levels. Returns gt
if Level1
is more severe
than Level2
, lt
if Level1
is less severe, and eq
if the levels are
-spec format_report(Report) -> FormatArgs when Report :: report(), FormatArgs :: {io:format(), [term()]}.
Convert a log message on report form to {Format, Args}
. This is the default
report callback used by logger_formatter
when no custom report callback is
found. See section Log Message in the Kernel
User's Guide for information about report callbacks and valid forms of log
The function produces lines of Key: Value
from key-value lists. Strings are
printed with ~ts
and other terms with ~tp
If Report
is a map, it is converted to a key-value list before formatting as
-spec reconfigure() -> ok | {error, term()}.
Reconfigure Logger using updated kernel
configuration that was set after
application was loaded.
Beware, that this is meant to be run only by the build tools, not manually during application lifetime, as this may cause missing log entries.
-spec timestamp() -> timestamp().
Return a timestamp that can be inserted as the time
field in the meta data for
a log event. It is produced with
Notice that Logger automatically inserts a timestamp in the meta data unless it already exists. This function is exported for the rare case when the timestamp must be taken at a different point in time than when the log event is issued.