i (debugger v5.5)

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Debugger/Interpreter Interface.

The i module provides short forms for some of the functions used by the graphical Debugger and some of the functions in module int, the Erlang interpreter.

This module also provides facilities for displaying status information about interpreted processes and break points.

It is possible to attach to interpreted processes by only giving the corresponding process identity. By default, an attachment window is displayed. Processes at other Erlang nodes can be attached manually or automatically.

The functions in this module are defined in the Erlang shell. That is, they can be called without the i: prefix. For example:

1> ii(t).
2> iaa([init]).



Prints help for using the functions in this module.

Attaches to the debugged process Pid.

Attaches to the debugged process Pid.

Equivalent to ia(Pid), where Pid is the result of calling the shell function pid(X, Y, Z).

Equivalent to ia(Pid, Function), where Pid is the result of calling the shell function pid(X, Y, Z).

Sets when to attach to a debugged process automatically.

Sets when and how to attach to a debugged process automatically.

Creates a breakpoint at Line in Module.

Creates breakpoints at the first line of every clause of function Module:Name/Arity.

Sets the trigger action of the breakpoint at Line in Module to Action.

Sets the conditional test of the breakpoint at Line in Module to Function.

Makes the breakpoint at Line in Module inactive.

Makes the breakpoint at Line in Module active.

Clears information about processes executing interpreted code by removing all information about terminated processes.

Interprets the specified module(s) on the local node.

Makes a printout of all interpreted modules.

Starts a new graphical Monitor window.

Interprets the specified module(s) on all known nodes.

Stops interpreting the specified module on all known nodes.

Prints the current status of all interpreted processes.

Prints all existing breakpoints.

Prints all existing breakpoints in Module.

Stops interpreting the specified module on the local node.

Deletes all breakpoints in all interpreted modules.

Deletes all breakpoints in Module.

Deletes the breakpoint at Line in Module.

Deletes the breakpoints at the first line of every clause of function Module:Name/Arity.

Sets how to save call frames in the stack.

Returns the current version of the interpreter (Debugger).



-spec help() -> ok.

Prints help for using the functions in this module.


-spec ia(Pid) -> ok | no_proc when Pid :: pid().

Attaches to the debugged process Pid.

An "Attach Process" window is opened for the process.

ia(Pid, Function)

-spec ia(Pid, Function) -> ok | no_proc
            when Pid :: pid(), Function :: {Module, Name}, Module :: module(), Name :: atom().

Attaches to the debugged process Pid.

The interpreter calls spawn(Module, Name, [Pid]) (and ignores the result).

ia(X, Y, Z)

-spec ia(X, Y, Z) -> ok | no_proc when X :: integer(), Y :: integer(), Z :: integer().

Equivalent to ia(Pid), where Pid is the result of calling the shell function pid(X, Y, Z).

ia(X, Y, Z, Function)

-spec ia(X, Y, Z, Function) -> ok | no_proc
                X :: integer(),
                Y :: integer(),
                Z :: integer(),
                Function :: {Module, Name},
                Module :: module(),
                Name :: atom().

Equivalent to ia(Pid, Function), where Pid is the result of calling the shell function pid(X, Y, Z).

An attached process is expected to call the unofficial function int:attached(Pid) and to be able to handle messages from the interpreter. For an example, see dbg_wx_trace.erl.


-spec iaa(Flags) -> true when Flags :: [init | break | exit].

Sets when to attach to a debugged process automatically.

Debugger supplies a function that opens "Attach Process" window for the process.

See int:auto_attach/2 for more information.

iaa(Flags, Function)

-spec iaa(Flags, Function) -> true
                 Flags :: [init | break | exit],
                 Function :: {Module, Name, Args},
                 Module :: module(),
                 Name :: atom(),
                 Args :: [term()].

Sets when and how to attach to a debugged process automatically.

See int:auto_attach/2 for more information.

ib(Module, Line)

-spec ib(Module, Line) -> ok | {error, break_exists} when Module :: module(), Line :: integer().

Creates a breakpoint at Line in Module.

ib(Module, Name, Arity)

-spec ib(Module, Name, Arity) -> ok | {error, function_not_found}
            when Module :: module(), Name :: atom(), Arity :: integer().

Creates breakpoints at the first line of every clause of function Module:Name/Arity.

iba(Module, Line, Action)

-spec iba(Module, Line, Action) -> ok
             when Module :: module(), Line :: integer(), Action :: enable | disable | delete.

Sets the trigger action of the breakpoint at Line in Module to Action.

ibc(Module, Line, Function)

-spec ibc(Module, Line, Function) -> ok
             when Module :: module(), Line :: integer(), Function :: {Module, Name}, Name :: atom().

Sets the conditional test of the breakpoint at Line in Module to Function.

The conditional test is performed by calling Module:Name(Bindings), where Bindings is the current variable bindings. The function must return true (break) or false (do not break). To retrieve the value of a variable Var use int:get_binding(Var, Bindings).

ibd(Module, Line)

-spec ibd(Module, Line) -> ok when Module :: module(), Line :: integer().

Makes the breakpoint at Line in Module inactive.

ibe(Module, Line)

-spec ibe(Module, Line) -> ok when Module :: module(), Line :: integer().

Makes the breakpoint at Line in Module active.


-spec ic() -> ok.

Clears information about processes executing interpreted code by removing all information about terminated processes.


-spec ii(AbsModules | AbsModule) -> Result
                AbsModules :: [AbsModule, ...],
                AbsModule :: Module | File,
                Module :: module(),
                File :: file:name_all(),
                Result :: AbsModuleResult | AbsModulesResult,
                AbsModuleResult :: {module, Module} | error,
                AbsModulesResult :: ok.

Interprets the specified module(s) on the local node.

  • If AbsModule :: Module | File, then Result :: {module, Module} | error.

  • If AbsModules :: [AbsModule], then Result :: ok.

See int:i/1 for more information.


-spec il() -> ok.

Makes a printout of all interpreted modules.

Modules are printed together with the full path name of the corresponding source code file.


-spec im() -> pid().

Starts a new graphical Monitor window.

This is the Monitor window, the main window of Debugger. All the Debugger and interpreter functionality is accessed from the Monitor window. This window displays the status of all processes that have been or are executing interpreted modules.


-spec ini(AbsModules | AbsModule) -> Result
                 AbsModules :: [AbsModule],
                 AbsModule :: Module | File,
                 Module :: module(),
                 File :: file:name_all(),
                 Result :: AbsModuleResult | AbsModulesResult,
                 AbsModuleResult :: {module, Module} | error,
                 AbsModulesResult :: ok.

Interprets the specified module(s) on all known nodes.

  • If AbsModule :: Module | File, then Result :: {module, Module} | error.

  • If AbsModules :: [AbsModule], then Result :: ok.

See int:ni/1 for more information.


-spec inq(AbsModule) -> ok when AbsModule :: Module | File, Module :: module(), File :: file:name_all().

Stops interpreting the specified module on all known nodes.


-spec ip() -> ok.

Prints the current status of all interpreted processes.


-spec ipb() -> ok.

Prints all existing breakpoints.


-spec ipb(Module) -> ok when Module :: module().

Prints all existing breakpoints in Module.


-spec iq(AbsModule) -> ok when AbsModule :: Module | File, Module :: module(), File :: file:name_all().

Stops interpreting the specified module on the local node.


-spec ir() -> ok.

Deletes all breakpoints in all interpreted modules.


-spec ir(Module) -> ok when Module :: module().

Deletes all breakpoints in Module.

ir(Module, Line)

-spec ir(Module, Line) -> ok when Module :: module(), Line :: integer().

Deletes the breakpoint at Line in Module.

ir(Module, Name, Arity)

-spec ir(Module, Name, Arity) -> ok | {error, function_not_found}
            when Module :: module(), Name :: atom(), Arity :: integer().

Deletes the breakpoints at the first line of every clause of function Module:Name/Arity.


-spec ist(Flag) -> true when Flag :: all | no_tail | false.

Sets how to save call frames in the stack.

See int:stack_trace/1 for more information.


-spec iv() -> atom().

Returns the current version of the interpreter (Debugger).