

Simple event-based front-ends to xmerl_scan for processing of XML documents in streams and for parsing in SAX style.

Simple event-based front-ends to xmerl_scan for processing of XML documents in streams and for parsing in SAX style. Each contain more elaborate settings of xmerl_scan that makes usage of the customization functions.

Options allow to customize the behaviour of the scanner. See also tutorial on customization functions.

Possible options are:

Call back function to accumulate contents of entity.

Call back function to decide what to do if the scanner runs into EOF before the document is complete.

Call back function to handle scanner events.

Call back function to fetch an external resource.

Call back function to process the document entities once identified.

Called when document has been completely parsed.

Handles storing of scanner information when parsing.

Global state variable accessible from all customization functions

PathList is a list of directories to search when fetching files. If the file in question is not in the fetch_path, the URI will be used as a file name.

'preserve' (default) to preserve spaces, 'normalize' to accumulate consecutive whitespace and replace it with one space.

To specify starting line for scanning in document which contains fragments of XML.

Controls whether to behave as a namespace conformant XML parser, 'false' (default) to not otherwise 'true'.

Controls whether to process as a validating XML parser: 'off' (default) no validation, or validation 'dtd' by DTD or 'schema' by XML Schema. 'false' and 'true' options are obsolete (i.e. they may be removed in a future release), if used 'false' equals 'off' and 'true' equals 'dtd'.

Tells explicitly which XML Schema documents to use to validate the XML document. Used together with the {validation,schema} option.

Set to 'true' if xmerl should behave quietly and not output any information to standard output (default 'false').

Allows to specify DTD name when it isn't available in the XML document. This option has effect only together with {validation,'dtd' option.

XML Base directory. If using string/1 default is current directory. If using file/1 default is directory of given file.

Set default character set used (default UTF-8). This character set is used only if not explicitly given by the XML declaration.

Set to 'true' if xmerl should return a complete XML document as an xmlDocument record (default 'false').

Set to 'false' if xmerl should skip comments otherwise they will be returned as xmlComment records (default 'true').

Set to 'true' if xmerl should add to elements missing attributes with a defined default value (default 'false').

Parse file containing an XML document, SAX style. Wrapper for a call to the XML parser xmerl_scan with a hook_fun for using xmerl export functionality directly after an entity is parsed.

Parse file containing an XML document as a stream, DOM style. Wrapper for a call to the XML parser xmerl_scan with a continuation_fun for handling streams of XML data. Note that the continuation_fun, acc_fun, fetch_fun, rules and close_fun options cannot be user defined using this parser.


Fname = string()
CallBackModule = atom()
Options = option_list()

Parse file containing an XML document as a stream, SAX style. Wrapper for a call to the XML parser xmerl_scan with a continuation_fun for handling streams of XML data. Note that the continuation_fun, acc_fun, fetch_fun, rules, hook_fun, close_fun and user_state options cannot be user defined using this parser.

Parse file containing an XML document, SAX style. Wrapper for a call to the XML parser xmerl_scan with a hook_fun for using xmerl export functionality directly after an entity is parsed.