wxGridCellBoolEditor (wx v2.4.3)
View SourceGrid cell editor for boolean data.
This class is derived, and can use functions, from:
wxWidgets docs: wxGridCellBoolEditor
Destroys the object
Returns true if the given value
is equal to the string representation of the truth
value we currently use (see useStringValues/1
Default constructor.
Equivalent to useStringValues([])
This method allows you to customize the values returned by wxGridCellNumberEditor:getValue/1
for the cell using this editor.
-type wxGridCellBoolEditor() :: wx:wx_object().
-spec destroy(This :: wxGridCellBoolEditor()) -> ok.
Destroys the object
-spec isTrueValue(Value) -> boolean() when Value :: unicode:chardata().
Returns true if the given value
is equal to the string representation of the truth
value we currently use (see useStringValues/1
-spec new() -> wxGridCellBoolEditor().
Default constructor.
-spec useStringValues() -> ok.
Equivalent to useStringValues([])
-spec useStringValues([Option]) -> ok when Option :: {valueTrue, unicode:chardata()} | {valueFalse, unicode:chardata()}.
This method allows you to customize the values returned by wxGridCellNumberEditor:getValue/1
for the cell using this editor.
By default, the default values of the arguments are used, i.e. "1"
is returned if the
cell is checked and an empty string otherwise.