API Reference syntax_tools v3.2


epp_dodger - bypasses the Erlang preprocessor.

Functions for reading comment lines from Erlang source code.

Pretty printing of abstract Erlang syntax trees.

Inserting comments into abstract Erlang syntax trees

Abstract Erlang syntax trees.

Support library for abstract Erlang syntax trees.

Metaprogramming in Erlang. Merl is a more user friendly interface to the erl_syntax module, making it easy both to build new ASTs from scratch and to match and decompose existing ASTs. For details that are outside the scope of Merl itself, please see the documentation of erl_syntax.

Parse transform for merl. Enables the use of automatic metavariables and using quasi-quotes in matches and case switches. Also optimizes calls to functions in merl by partially evaluating them, turning strings to templates, etc., at compile-time.

A generic pretty printer library. This module uses a strict-style context passing implementation of John Hughes algorithm, described in "The design of a Pretty-printing Library". The paragraph-style formatting, empty documents, floating documents, and null strings are my own additions to the algorithm.