snmp_view_based_acm_mib (snmp v5.18.1)
View SourceInstrumentation Functions for SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB
The module snmp_view_based_acm_mib
implements the instrumentation functions
for the SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB, and functions for configuring the database.
The configuration files are described in the SNMP User's Manual.
"The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this conceptual row authorizes access for notifications."
"The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this conceptual row authorizes read access."
"The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this conceptual row authorizes write access."
exact - exact match of prefix and contextName
prefix - Only match to the prefix
INTEGER { exact (1), prefix (2) }
SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
"The name of the group to which this entry (e.g., the combination of securityModel and securityName) belongs."
"The securityName for the principal, represented in a Security Model independent format."
The bit mask which, in combination with the corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree, defines a family of view subtrees.
"The human readable name for a family of view subtrees."
Does the corresponding instances of subtree and mask define a family of view subtrees which are included in or excluded from the MIB view.
Adds a access definition to the agent config. Equivalent to one vacmAccess-line
in the vacm.conf
Adds a security to group definition to the agent config. Equivalent to one
vacmSecurityToGroup-line in the vacm.conf
Adds a view tree family definition to the agent config. Equivalent to one
vacmViewTreeFamily-line in the vacm.conf
This function is called from the supervisor at system start-up.
Delete a access definition from the agent config.
Delete a security to group definition from the agent config.
Delete a view tree family definition from the agent config.
Inserts all data in the configuration files into the database and destroys all
old data, including the rows with StorageType nonVolatile
. The rows created
from the configuration file will have StorageType nonVolatile
-type access_notify_view_name() :: snmp_framework_mib:admin_string().
"The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this conceptual row authorizes access for notifications."
SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
-type access_read_view_name() :: snmp_framework_mib:admin_string().
"The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this conceptual row authorizes read access."
SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
-type access_write_view_name() :: snmp_framework_mib:admin_string().
"The value of an instance of this object identifies the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this conceptual row authorizes write access."
SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
-type context_match() :: exact | prefix.
exact - exact match of prefix and contextName
prefix - Only match to the prefix
INTEGER { exact (1), prefix (2) }
-type context_prefix() :: snmp_framework_mib:admin_string().
SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
-type group_name() :: snmp_framework_mib:admin_string().
"The name of the group to which this entry (e.g., the combination of securityModel and securityName) belongs."
SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
-type internal_view_mask() :: null | [internal_view_mask_element()].
-type internal_view_mask_element() :: 0 | 1.
-type internal_view_type() :: 1 | 2.
-type mibview() :: [{SubTree :: snmp:oid(), Mask :: internal_view_mask(), Type :: internal_view_type()}].
-type security_name() :: snmp_framework_mib:admin_string().
"The securityName for the principal, represented in a Security Model independent format."
SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
-type view_mask() :: [0 | 1].
The bit mask which, in combination with the corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree, defines a family of view subtrees.
A '1' indicates that an exact match must occur, a '0' indicates 'wild card' (any sub-identifier value matches).
Note that in the "external" format, each bit of each octet is represented by a "bit" in this list. That is, each octet "contains" 8 bits; so at most 8*16 = 128 bits in total.
-type view_name() :: snmp_framework_mib:admin_string().
"The human readable name for a family of view subtrees."
SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
-type view_type() :: included | excluded.
Does the corresponding instances of subtree and mask define a family of view subtrees which are included in or excluded from the MIB view.
INTEGER { included(1), excluded(2) }
-spec add_access(GroupName, Prefix, SecModel, SecLevel, Match, RV, WV, NV) -> {ok, Key} | {error, Reason} when GroupName :: group_name(), Prefix :: context_prefix(), SecModel :: snmp_framework_mib:security_model(), SecLevel :: snmp_framework_mib:security_level(), Match :: context_match(), RV :: access_read_view_name(), WV :: access_write_view_name(), NV :: access_notify_view_name(), Key :: term(), Reason :: term().
Adds a access definition to the agent config. Equivalent to one vacmAccess-line
in the vacm.conf
-spec add_sec2group(SecModel, SecName, GroupName) -> {ok, Key} | {error, Reason} when SecModel :: snmp_framework_mib:security_model(), SecName :: security_name(), GroupName :: group_name(), Key :: term(), Reason :: term().
Adds a security to group definition to the agent config. Equivalent to one
vacmSecurityToGroup-line in the vacm.conf
-spec add_view_tree_fam(ViewName, SubTree, Status, Mask) -> {ok, Key} | {error, Reason} when ViewName :: view_name(), SubTree :: snmp:oid(), Status :: view_type(), Mask :: null | view_mask(), Key :: term(), Reason :: term().
Adds a view tree family definition to the agent config. Equivalent to one
vacmViewTreeFamily-line in the vacm.conf
This function is called from the supervisor at system start-up.
Inserts all data in the configuration files into the database and destroys all
old rows with StorageType volatile
. The rows created from the configuration
file will have StorageType nonVolatile
All snmp
counters are set to zero.
If an error is found in the configuration file, it is reported using the
function config_err/2
of the error report module, and the function fails with
the reason configuration_error
is a string which points to the directory where the configuration
files are found.
The configuration file read is: vacm.conf
Delete a access definition from the agent config.
Delete a security to group definition from the agent config.
Delete a view tree family definition from the agent config.
Inserts all data in the configuration files into the database and destroys all
old data, including the rows with StorageType nonVolatile
. The rows created
from the configuration file will have StorageType nonVolatile
Thus, the data in the SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB, after this function has been called, is the data from the configuration files.
All snmp
counters are set to zero.
If an error is found in the configuration file, it is reported using the
function config_err/2 of the error report module,
and the function fails with the reason configuration_error
is a string which points to the directory where the configuration
files are found.
The configuration file read is: vacm.conf