Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
September 27, 2008

Tee Teoh
Workshop chairman

Delta Ocean Point Hotel
Workshop Venue

Kenneth Lundin
Invited speaker


Session on Applications

Francesco Cesarini

Thorsten Schütt

Alceste Scalas


Session on Testing

Laura M. Castro

Jonas Boberg

Anikó Nagyné Víg


Session on Typing and Refactoring

Huiqing Li

Tamás Nagy

Konstantinos Sagonas


Informal Five Minute Presentations

Ville Tuulos

Joe Norton and Scott Fritchie

Jim Roepcke


Post Workshop Dinner and Beer

Japanese dinner ...

... and Irish beer


Post Workshop Bear
John Hughes, Thomas Arts and Bjarne Däcker met this bear
in the forest by the Sombrio river the day after the workshop