<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail-usertext-body gmail-may-blank-within gmail-md-container"><div class="gmail-md"><p>Hello!</p>
<p>I'm currently developing a personal project for the university which
consists in a Java desktop software which should stream live audio via
HTTP so anybody can listen through the server's IP. I've been looking
for Java libraries that do this but it's almost impossible to find one
that is actually maintained nowadays. Then I found Erland and saw the
possibility of using it together with Java.</p>
<p>Does Erlang solve the typical problems you would have in Java having
to code all the streaming process with the formats and such? I was
thinking about taking this Java + Erlang path as it seems the most
reasonable approach instead of using old libraries and also learn an interesting new
language in the process.</p>
<p>And also, I would be very pleased if you could provide me (if you
know some) a starting point related to streaming with Erlang so I can
start looking at it after learning the syntax of the language.</p><p>Thanks in advance!<br></p></div>