<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>I am having problems trying to open a websocket with gun <a href="https://github.com/extend/gun">https://github.com/extend/gun</a>. So I have been trying:<br><br></div>{ok,Pid} = gun:open("", 8080, [{type,tcp}]),<br>
</div>gun:ws_upgrade(Pid, "/content/chats/connect/"),<br><br></div>and nothing happens, it just times out. Checking, the process Pid started by gun:open dies with an undef error but I don't see which function it is trying to call. Using <a href="http://www.websocket.org/echo.html">http://www.websocket.org/echo.html</a> and opening ws://<a href=""></a> works fine.<br>
<br></div>Any suggestions?<br><br></div>Robert<br><br></div>