<p>I have<br />myapp<br /> /src<br /> myapp.erl<br /> myapp_sup.erl<br /> /include<br />and <br />mymodule<br /> /src<br /> mymodule.erl<br /> /include<br /> mymodule.hrl</p>
<p>As you can see, I have developed a module which is outside the structure of the myapp. If a module in myapp has to use the header files of mymodule, what do I need to do in the rebar.config of myapp?</p>
<p>Currently, when I compile myapp, it gives an error that the mymoduel.hrl cannot be found.</p>
<p>My intention is to develop mymodule as a shared module across several apps.</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />Yash</p>