<div dir="ltr">I just learned about <a href="https://www.gittip.com/">https://www.gittip.com/</a><br><div><br></div><div style>It would be awesome if as many of us as possible started funding, even just a $1 a week, to help our favorite Erlang projects. </div>
<div style><br></div><div style>I know Loic is on, <a href="https://www.gittip.com/essen/">https://www.gittip.com/essen/</a> -- so if you use Cowboy, Ranch or Bullet, that would be a good place to start :)</div><div style>
<br></div><div style>Would be great if people also gave suggestions of whom people should donate to, even if they themselves can't afford it or if it is their project and they know they could do more with some donations.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>Tristan</div></div>