<div dir="ltr"><div><div>I was able to get ssl communication between nodes on linux. Here is a windows .cmd script for installing erlsrv with ssl communication:<br><br>@rem<br>@rem sample erlang install service script<br>
@rem - add then start ecom erlang service<br>@rem - if it already exists, stop then remove first before adding and starting<br>@rem <br><br>@set erl_service=my_service<br>@erlsrv list %erl_service% | @findstr /i "%erl_service%"<br>
@echo.<br>@if errorlevel 1 goto install<br>@rem echo Stopping and removing erl service...<br>@erlsrv remove "%erl_service%"<br><br>:install<br>@set module=-s my_module<br>@set onfail=-onfail restart<br>@set node=-name node_name<br>
@set root=-w "C:/path"<br>@set srvc_name=-i my_service<br>@set boot=-boot c:/path/start_ssl_ecom -proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile c:/path/ssl/cert.pem -ssl_dist_opt server_keyfile c:/path/ssl/key.pem -ssl_dist_opt server_secure_renegotiate true client_secure_renegotiate true<br>
@set cookie=-setcookie my_cookie<br>@set args=-args "%boot% %cookie% %module%"<br><br>@echo.<br>@rem echo Adding erl service...<br>@erlsrv add "%erl_service%" %node% %root% %onfail% %args% %srvc_name%<br>
@echo.<br>@rem echo Starting erl service...<br>@erlsrv start %erl_service%<br>@echo.<br>@pause<br><br></div>Now if I can figure out why it's not picking up the .erlang.cookie from -w path, I'll be able to remove the -setcookie option. I've tried putting the .erlang.cookie in a lot of different places to see if it gets read - no dice yet. I have been able to get .erlang.cookie created in my windows profile c:/users/username when I run erl -name, but not yet with erlsrv.<br>
<br></div><div>I'm excited to get ssl working. I have wanted it working for <a href="https://github.com/comptekki/esysman">https://github.com/comptekki/esysman</a> so I can send commands encrypted and not in the clear.<br>
<br></div><div>Thanks to all that have contributed to my questions about this!<br></div><br>wes<br></div>