I have a gen_server that seems to be crashing for some reason and the supservisor is not restarting it. The child spec is one_for_one, permanent and the error log is below. All i see is the crash report but no attempt at a restart. Is there any way to figure out why the supervisor would not restart it?<div>
<br></div><div><div>2012-05-02 14:54:28.776 [info] <0.889.0>@websocket_pubsubsrv:terminate:198 Shutting down pubsub server...</div><div>2012-05-02 14:54:28.776 [error] <0.882.0> Supervisor cowboy_sup had child {cowboy_listener_sup,my_http_listener} started with cowboy_listener_sup:start_link(100, cowboy_tcp_transport, [{port,8000}], cowboy_http_protocol, [{dispatch,[{'_',[{[<<"multiplex">>,'...'],sockjs_cowboy_handler,{service,"/multiplex",sockjs_multiplex,...}},...]}]}]) at <0.909.0> exit with reason killed in context child_terminated</div>
<div>2012-05-02 14:54:28.785 [error] <0.911.0> gen_server <0.911.0> terminated with reason: killed</div><div>2012-05-02 14:54:28.788 [error] <0.911.0> CRASH REPORT Process <0.911.0> with 1 neighbours crashed with reason: {killed,[{gen_server,terminate,6},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}</div>