Hi.<br><br>I recently got a problem in wxErlang installation:<br><br>1> wx:demo().<br><br>=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Apr-2011::17:05:21 ===<br>WX Failed loading "wxe_driver"@"/opt/erlang/otp/lib/erlang/lib/wx-0.98.9/priv" <br>
{error,{{load_driver,"symbol _ZN16wxStyledTextCtrl7SendMsgEill, version WXU_2.8 not defined in file libwx_gtk2u_stc-2.8.so.0 with link time reference"},<br> [{wxe_server,start,0},<br> {wx,new,1},<br>
{demo,init,1},<br> {wx_object,init_it,6},<br> {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}}<br>2> <br><br>At first, after installation, I can do wx:demo(). That problem exist after I updated wxWidgets. So, my question here is, how do I reinstall wxErlang without reinstall fully Erlang installation? I am using Linux.<br>