HI,<br><br>I use digraph module to create graphs and apply some functions on it. The digraph is internally stored as ets tuples.<br>I am using mapreduce architecture to speed up the computations on the digraph (using plists.erl from Stephen Marsh).<br>
So, When the graph is passed to a process on some other node on network, it exits with error. (may be because it is not able to access the ets tuples)<br clear="all">Any solution???<br><br>Below is a small test example to generate the error<br>
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<br>-module(pliststest).<br>-compile(export_all).<br><br>malt() -><br> [100, {nodes, [{'sap@laptop1', 3}, {'sap@laptop2', 3}]}].<br><br>test(G, List) -><br> Fun = fun(X) -> io:format("TROUBLE: ~p~n",[digraph:vertices(G)]), lists:foldr(fun(_Y,ACC) -> ACC+1 end, 0, X) end,<br>
Fuse = fun(X, Y) -> X+Y end,<br> plists:runmany(Fun, Fuse, List, malt()).<br>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<br><br>Also, PFA the plists.erl (from Stephen Marsh).<br><br>-- <br>Regards,<br>Sapan Shah<br>