Hello<br><br>I'm having problems to find who i should blame for my problems when i fill up the buffers.<br><br>Do someone have idea if its me, otp or linux? <br>I use R13B.<br> <br>I made a simple rewrite of the example in gen_sctp doc.<br>
<br>The client send messages to server with a faster speed then the server receive to fill the buffer.<br>When the buffer is full the server don't get any more messages but there are still sctp SACK received.<br><br>server_test(IP, Port, SctpTimeOut, Nr, SizeofMessage, BufferSize)<br>
<br>2> sctp_server:server_test({10,99,9,2}, 9090, 5, 1500, 100, 1500).<br>Listening on {10,99,9,2}:9090. RCV: 0 {13,2,24}<br>Connection Successful, Assoc={sctp_assoc_change,comm_up,0,10,10,1}<br>Sent: 0 {13,2,24}<br>RCV: 10 {13,2,24}<br>
RCV: 20 {13,2,24}<br>RCV: 30 {13,2,24}<br>Sent: 100 {13,2,25}<br>Sent: 200 {13,2,26}<br>Sent: 300 {13,2,27}<br>Sent: 400 {13,2,28}<br>Sent: 500 {13,2,29}<br>SCTP RECV ERROR: timeout<br>Sent: 600 {13,2,30}<br>Sent: 700 {13,2,31}<br>
Sent: 800 {13,2,32}<br>Sent: 900 {13,2,33}<br>SCTP RECV ERROR: timeout<br>Sent: 1000 {13,2,35}<br>Sent: 1100 {13,2,36}<br>Sent: 1200 {13,2,37}<br>Sent: 1300 {13,2,38}<br>Sent: 1400 {13,2,39}<br>SCTP RECV ERROR: timeout<br>
okok<br><br>/<br>Mikael <br>