Hi Vikrant,<br><br>The hard part is getting "into erlang" but after that you won't have many problems dealing with the available web frameworks.<br><br>Using Yaws you can build your webapps in various ways.<br>
- you can use .yaws files mixing html and <erl></erl> tags (kind of like php)<br> - use appmods (where certain URI segments are mapped to modules that export a out/1 function)<br> - use erlyweb (which is in fact hooked to yaws as an appmod)<br>
For a simple application erlyweb application take a look at:<br><a href="http://noe.dmitriid.com/">http://noe.dmitriid.com/</a><br>The code is available here: <a href="http://github.com/dmitriid/noe/tree/master">http://github.com/dmitriid/noe/tree/master</a><br>
<br>I find Mochiweb a bit easier to start with since you don't really have to deal with Yaws' configuration files or "stand-alone VS embeded mode" options.<br>For Mochiweb a good starting point is stickynotes:<br>
Mochiweb - <a href="http://beebole.com/en/blog/erlang/tutorial-web-application-erlang/">http://beebole.com/en/blog/erlang/tutorial-web-application-erlang/</a><br><br>You also might want to take a look at:<br>Nitrogen - <a href="http://nitrogenproject.com/">http://nitrogenproject.com/</a><br>
BeepBeep - <a href="http://github.com/davebryson/beepbeep/tree/master">http://github.com/davebryson/beepbeep/tree/master</a><br>WebMachine - <a href="http://blog.therestfulway.com/2008/09/webmachine-is-resource-server-for-web.html">http://blog.therestfulway.com/2008/09/webmachine-is-resource-server-for-web.html</a><br>
and of course<br>ErlangWeb - <a href="http://www.erlang-web.org/">http://www.erlang-web.org/</a><br><br>You can get a "Hello world" out of any of these but first you really have to work your way into the language itself.<br>
The error you got:<br>{"init terminating in do_boot",{undef,[{myapp,start,[]},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}<br>Is erlang complaining that it didn't find a start/0 function in module myapp.<br>This might happen because myapp.beam is not in erlang's code path (you can add directories to the code path when starting a erlang node using -pa <dir> or -pz <dir>) or the start/0 function not being exported.<br>
<br>Best of luck,<br>:Davide<br>