Does gen_tcp provide a mechanism for non-blocking sends, similar to the traditional send and select/poll calls in Unix, in the following sense:<br><br>-1- When you call gen_tcp:send() with N bytes and flow-control kicks in, gen_tcp:send()returns immediately (i.e. does not block, not even for some small time-out). The return value indicates that flow-control was invoked and gives some indication of what subset of bytes was accepted (e.g. by returning the remaining unsent binary). This is similar to Unix send() returning EAGAIN.<br>
<br>-2- Some mechanism to inform the sending process that the socket is ready to send more data, e.g. an Erlang message. This is similar to Unix select() reporting that a socket is ready-to-send.<br><br>I have considered the option of creating an Erlang process dedicated to sending messages over the socket and using blocking gen_tcp:send calls in that process. For various reasons (related to the fact that a send may have to be interruped by some other activity) this is not an option for me.<br>
<br>I found some references to the prim_inet module on Google, but evidently that is not an officially documented module.<br><br>PS - My apologies if this question has already been answered. I googled the topic and found many discussions but not quite the answer.<br>