Hello All<br>First some background<br>I am running erlang on ubuntu. Initially I installed R11 using apt-get install erlang. I then installed yaws after downloading the file from <a href="http://yaws.hyber.org">http://yaws.hyber.org</a> and following instructions from there.<br>
<br>Subsequently I uninstalled R11 by doing a apt-get remove erlang and then reinstalled by hand after downloading the R12 install files from <a href="http://www.erlang.org">http://www.erlang.org</a> and following the instructions. <br>
<br>I then reinstalled yaws by doing the following the yaws package.<br><br>./configure && make <br>make install.<br><br>Now when I try to start yaws as root I get the following error<br><br>root@owner-laptop:~# yaws<br>
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.5 [source] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]<br><br>Eshell V5.6.5 (abort with ^G)<br>1> <br>=INFO REPORT==== 6-Feb-2009::18:07:02 ===<br>Yaws: Using config file /usr/local/etc/yaws.conf<br>
<br>=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Feb-2009::18:07:02 ===<br>Failed to start ssl: {'EXIT',{undef,[{ssl,start,[]},<br> {yaws_config,ssl_start,0},<br> {yaws_config,fload,7},<br>
{yaws_config,load,1},<br> {yaws_server,init,1},<br> {gen_server,init_it,6},<br> {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}}<br>
<br>=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Feb-2009::18:07:02 ===<br>Failed to start: undef<br><br><br>Any help would be great.<br><br>Thanks<br>Salonee<br><br><br>