Hello,<br><br>I just wanted to make sure I understand when it is proper to use dirty reads and writes. From my understanding, it is ok to use them if:<br>1) slightly stale values don't matter<br>2) an operation on one variable in the database is not dependent on the value of the other<br>
<br>When its ok to use dirty:<br>-adding a new user to the database<br>-changing that user's email address or password<br>-adding a post comment to the database (assuming the posts are in a different table, and are normalized)<br>
<br>When it's not ok:<br>-User wants to purchase an item (assuming it's a game server, and the player's money is stored in the database)<br>-When 2 players want to trade items<br><br>Is my understanding correct? Should I be using dirty operations whenever I can for the speed increase?<br>