Hello.<br><br>While reading OTP Design Principles (Release Handling part) I've found that function release_handler:install_release/1 doesn't work as expected. It returns a strange error, complaining about relup file:<br>
<br>Eshell V5.6.5 (abort with ^G)<br>1> release_handler:install_release("B").<br>{error,{enoent,"/usr/lib/erlang/releases/R12B/relup"}}<br><br>And it's true - there is no such a file. Instead of $ROOT/releases/R12B my relup file resides in $ROOT/releases/B. I have no idea why release_handler searches for relup in R12B dir :/ It looks like a bug...<br>
<br>I tried to copy my relup to R12B dir by hand, but It didn't help:<br><br>2> release_handler:install_release("B").<br>{error,{bad_relup_file,"/usr/lib/erlang/releases/R12B/relup"}}<br><br>Then, I've tried to find out the solution through Google. But what I've found (please, look at the comments for this article) was: <a href="http://spawnlink.com/articles/performing-real-time-upgrades-to-an-otp-system/">http://spawnlink.com/articles/performing-real-time-upgrades-to-an-otp-system/</a><br>
<br>There are people who run into the same problem. Unfortunatelly nobody gave solution to this problem.<br><br>Here is the sources of my test app (1.4Kb): <a href="http://rapidshare.com/files/181485268/foo_app.tar.gz.html">http://rapidshare.com/files/181485268/foo_app.tar.gz.html</a><br>