<div dir="ltr">I used to get those eheap out-of-memory crashes a lot. The way to fix it is to ruthlessly minimize the records you store in mnesia. I've found that mnesia works best with very small records, and if you're doing iteration on the table, then do it in small chunks at a time without accumulating a large structure (use select instead of match_object if you expect to get a large number of records).<br>
<br>I had been storing dicts in mnesia, and running into memory issues, until members of this list pointed me to the idea of using ordered_set tables with tuples keys. That allowed me to separate the dict into small records while still maintaining iteration & matching performance requirements. The number of records in a table has gone up dramatically, but that doesn't seem to cause any problems.<br>
<br>Hope that helps,<br>Jacob<br></div>