<div dir="ltr">I am trying the parser tutorial off the erlang site and I have fallen at the first hurdle. Should this "just work" and something is set up wrong or do I just need to fix things as I find them?<br>
<br>Thanks<br><br>Tom<br><br>1> c(ecc_parse).<br>./ecc_parse.erl:42: Warning: variable 'Stream' is unused<br>./ecc_parse.erl:44: Warning: variable 'L' is unused<br>./ecc_parse.erl:44: Warning: variable 'Stream' is unused<br>
./ecc_parse.erl:50: Warning: function first/1 is unused<br>./ecc_parse.erl:50: Warning: variable 'H' is unused<br>{ok,ecc_parse}<br>2> ecc_parse:make().<br>ecc.yrl:104: Warning: function simplify/1 is unused<br>
ecc.yrl:104: Warning: variable 'Tag' is unused<br>** exception error: undefined function leex:gen/2<br> in function ecc_parse:make/0<br><br></div>