Scenario:<br>The goal is determine if any tuples in the List are not<br>in the Table (and if so, identify which are missing).<br><br>I wrote two functions, one which uses ets:match_object/2 and<br>the other which uses lists:member/2.<br>
<br>Function parameters: <br>
List is a list of tuples [{a,b}, {c,d,e}, {a,d}, ...].<br>
Table is an open ets table of type 'bag', which means<br>
there can be more than one item with the same key in <br>
the table. <br>
<br>Which of these methods is preferable, and why?<br><br>%% a quick display utility function<br>io(X) -> io:format("~p~n",[X]).<br><br>findlist1(List,Table) -><br> R1 = [E || E <- List, length(ets:match_object(Table, E)) == 0],<br>
io(R1), %% elements not found in table<br> io(length(R1)). %% if length(R1) == 0, all are in list <br><br>findlist2(List, Table) -><br> AsList = ets:tab2list(Table),<br> R1 = [E || E <- List, not lists:member(E,AsList)],<br>
io(R1), %% same as above<br> io(length(R1)). <br><br>length(R1) could be turned into true/false thus:<br><br>case length(R1) of<br><br> 0 -> true; % all in table<br> _Other -> false<br>end. <br>
<br>What are some other alternatives?<br><br>Also, I would appreciate suggestions on<br>how to short-circuit the evaluation <br>(stopping as soon as one element of the<br>list is not found in the table).<br><br>Thanks.<br>