<div>I have created a module that parses a file and returns it's lines using io:get_line/2 and <FONT size=2></div> <div>string:tokens/2 </FONT>functions then i recieve this error when i get to process a 63MB file which has 1 million lines.</div> <div> </div> <div>Could anyone suggest a proper way to open the file and process it so not to receive the following report.</div> <div> </div> <div>./file_token_server.erl:none: internal error in parse_module;<BR>crash reason: {system_limit,[{erlang,spawn,<BR> [erlang,<BR>
apply,<BR> [#Fun<epp.0.124065107>,[]]]},<BR> {erlang,spawn,1},<BR> {epp,open,3},<BR>
{epp,parse_file,4},<BR> {compile,parse_module,1},<BR> {compile,'-internal_comp/4-anonymous-1-',2},<BR> {compile,fold_comp,3},<BR> {compile,internal_comp,4}]}</div> <div>=ERROR REPORT==== 7-Apr-2008::07:52:09 ===<BR>Too many processes</div> <div>error</div> <div> </div> <div>Thanks,</div>
<div> </div> <div>Ayman Abolfadl</div><p>
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