Dustin:<br><br>Looking at the URL you included in your post, I'd agree it probably is UTF-8 related. As Lev was alluding to in his response, in Erlang strings are just a list of integers. At the top level, when you have a list of integers, if all of them are printable ASCII characters, it will display them as a string, hence [65,65,65] will be printed "AAA", whereas [1,2,3] will print [1,2,3].<br>
<br>Not all of the bytes in a UTF-8 encoded string are necessarily printable ASCII. So, it shows up as a list of integers. What you may want to do is look at xmerl (<a href="http://erlang.org/doc/apps/xmerl/index.html">http://erlang.org/doc/apps/xmerl/index.html</a>) to parse the XML. It will handle the character set conversions. If, for some reason, you want to do it on your own, I believe xmerl_ucs:from_utf8/1 may serve you well. But, that module is undocumented and thus not guaranteed to remain the same from release to release.<br>
<br>I hope that helps!<br><br>-- Samuel<br>