Attendance: an increase from last year. Of course some noted individuals from the Erlang community were there including Bjarne Dacker and Joe Armstrong (am I the only who forgot to bring along The Book?). "Commercial Applications of Multi-core at Ericsson" by H. Nilsson. The main point I took away was the scalability of Erlang in multi-core hardware is nearly linear. Nilsson provided examples from studies conducted internally at Ericsson and an external 8 core 8 CPU Sun box. "Extended Process Registry for Erlang" by U. Wiger. Wiger addresses the issue of finding a specific process from a large pool of processes in particular for debugging and profiling purposes. At present, an earlier version of his extension is in use at Ericsson. This earlier extension only deals with local process registration while the talk focused on gproc, a global process registration service. gproc allows grouping processes into global and local properties reducing the search space when looking for a specific process. gproc also implements the necessary interface for use with QLC. Only minimal application code changes are needed to use/remove gproc making it definitely worthwhile to try out. "A Language for Specifying Type Contracts in Erlang and its Interaction with Success Typings" M. Jiménez, T. Lindahl, K. Sagonas Recent questions on the mailing list regarding edoc brought references to this particular topic with details revealed here. Essentially a slight modification/addition to edoc specs providing more information to dialyzer and a new to-be-written tool (by Luna) for type checking Erlang code. "Introducing Records by Refactoring" L. Lövei, Z. Horváth, T. Kozsik, R. Király Presentation on the refactoring tool previously announced on the mailing list. Focuses on global code refactoring converting a tuple into record. Changes both internal references to the tuple and callee functions. "Towards Hard Real-Time Erlang" V. Nicosia, C. Santoro Using an undocumented priority level and a new behaviour to provide hard realtime support within Erlang. The implementation is currently experimental although the speaker will be using it in the near future for his autonomous mobile robot project. A project worth tracking for those requiring hard realtime. "Programming Distributed Erlang Applications: Pitfalls and Recipes" H. Svensson, L.-Å. Fredlund This talk should be part of the Erlang FAQ. Get a copy of the paper and read it! "Timed Verification of Erlang/OTP Components with the Process Algebra muCRL" Q. Guo, J. Derrick Interesting verification work on gen_fsm with timeout. Unfortunately the transformation is current done by hand but since the analysis portion seems independent to Erlang it should be possible to do the same for any other language. "Priority Messaging made Easy" J. H. Nyström Nyström provides several examples of why priority message are hard to get right. Or for that matter with clean coding styles as Francesco once said "If you want dirty workarounds for selective receives in gen_servers, let me know. It will however have to be after lunch, as I will loose my appetite". We get to see why in this talk. "Optimising TCP/IP Connectivity" O. Hellström Bottom line - use SuSE! "An Erlang Framework for Autonomous Mobile Robots" V. Nicosia, C. Santoro A very nice example of modular Erlang with C controller ports to control a robot. The AI portion, ERESYE, is also written in Erlang. "Learning Programming with Erlang" F. Huch Huch uses an Erlang system called Kara to attract prospective female university applicants into the Computer Science program. The list of concepts taught is impressive, non tail-recursion on day 1 and processes/message passing on day 3! Hopefully access to the video of this interactive engaging talk could be made public. Hint hint.