<br>Emake is not acting as I think it should be.<br><br>This works as expected.<br><br># ls *.erl | wc -l<br>5<br># erlc -o beam/ *erl<br clear="all"># ls beam/ | wc -l<br>5<br># rm beam/*<br><br><br>But if I try the same with emake, the beams end up in the same directory:
<br><br><br># cat Emakefile<br>{'*', [{o, "beam/"}]}.<br># erl<br>Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.5 [source] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]<br><br>Eshell V5.5.5 (abort with ^G)<br>1> make:all().
<br>Recompile: ...<br>Recompile: ...<br>...<br>up_to_date<br>2> q().<br>ok<br><br># ls -l beam/<br># ls *.beam | wc -l<br>5<br><br><br><br>Am I using it wrong or is it broken? erl -man make suggests that giving the 'o' parameter should work like that.
<br> <br>--vk